International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification

July 7-10, 1999

Electronic Tool Presentation Submission Deadline: 3 Jan, 1999.

The strongly prefered way to submit your tool presentation is via this form. Follow the instructions, step-by-step, and then use the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.

If your browser does not handle forms, see note below.

Corresponding author's name:
Corresponding author's email:
Postal Address:
Title of Tool Presentation:
Submit Tool Presentation:
  • We can accept postscript or PDF formats, in dialects created by most contemporary document preparation tools, for either USLetter (8.5"x11") or A4 page sizes.

  • The file can also be compressed in any standard format, with its appropriate MIME extent (ps.gz for gzipped postscript, ps.Z for compressed postscript, etc.).

  • In rare cases you may need to use compression, since our server can't handle more than 5 MB in a single transfer.
Find the file containing your submission:

Abstract: Cut and paste in 100-200 words of ASCII text. No control characters PLEASE.

Please don't submit your paper before you are ready; we would rather not have to deal with revisions of already submitted papers.

Note on Form-Based Uploads: This form requires your browser to support form-uploads (Internet RFC 1867). While almost all browsers support this feature, including the Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, some ancient browsers do not. If you do not see a "Browse" button above -- next to the entry for paper's file name -- then your browser falls into this category. There are two solutions to this problem, one of which is to do yourself a favor, to enter the modern computing era, and to just upgrade your browser. The other solution is to send email to CAV99@imag.fr, and we'll work out an alternative.

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Update Time Thu 31 1998 at 12:49:30
Maintainer rich@cs.umd.edu.
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Conference Systems