lux - all in one Lustre compilation


lux - all in one Lustre compilation


lux file.lus node


lux file.oc


This shell script performs all the compilation stages necessary to produce a binary file from a lustre (resp. ec or oc) program. A main node is expected when starting from the lustre level.

The binary generation only works for basic lustre programs (resp. ec or oc), that means programs that do not need any external definitions to work (external types, constants, functions).

The several stages are depending on the input format:


call lus2ec, then ec2c with the -loop option, and then the gnu C-compiler/linker gcc.


call ec2c with the -loop option, and then gcc.


calls poc with the -loop, and then gcc.

When the compilation succeeds, the name of the resulting program is the name of the main lustre node (resp. the ec node or the oc module).


Indeed, Lustre distribution does not provide a C compiler. The lux script supposes that the gnu-C compiler is properly installed, but the user may customize the script in order to use another available compiler.

 lux - all in one Lustre compilation