(** The AADL Abstract Syntax Tree definition.

Time-stamp: <modified the 05/06/2007 (at 10:45) by Erwan Jahier>

@author Louis Mandel @author Erwan Jahier





type package =
    { pack_id: Ident.t; 
      (** Name of the package. *)

      pack_public: aadl_declaration list; 
      (** Set of public declarations. *)

      pack_public_prop: property list;
      (** Set of public properties. *)

      pack_private: aadl_declaration list; 
      (** Set of private declarations. *)

      pack_private_prop: property list;
      (** Set of private properties. *)



AADL declaration

AADL declarations are components or port groups.

    component ::=
      category [implementation] component_identifier
        extends component_identifier
        [ features ( { feature | feature_refinement }+ | none ) ]
        [ refines type ( { feature_refinement }+ | none ) ]
        [ subcomponents ( { subcomponent }+ | none ) ]
        [ calls ( { subprogram_call_sequence }+ | none ) ]
        [ connections ( { connection }+ | none ) ]
        [ flows ( { flow }+ | none ) ]
        [ modes ( { mode }+ | none ) ]
        [ properties ( { property }+ | none ) ]
        { annex_subclause }*
      end component_identifier;

    port_group ::=
      port group defining_identifier 
        [ extends unique_port_group_type_reference ]
        ( features
            { port_spec | port_refinement |
              port_group_spec | port_group_refinement }*
          [ inverse of unique_port_group_type_reference ]
          inverse of unique_port_group_type_reference
        [ properties ( { portgroup_property_association }+ | none ) ]
        { annex_subclause }*
      end defining_identifier ;


and aadl_declaration =
  | Component of component
  | Port_group of port_group

and component =
    { comp_id: Ident.t; 
      comp_kind: component_kind; 
        (** type or implementation. *)

      comp_cate: category; 
        (** process, thread, system, ... *)

      comp_extd: Ident.t option; 
         (** name of the extended component. *)

      comp_feat: feature list; 
      comp_fref: feature_refinement list;
      comp_subc: subcomponent list;
      comp_call: call_sequence list;
      comp_conn: connection list;
      comp_flow: flow list;
      comp_mode: mode list;
      comp_prop: property list; 
      comp_annx: annex list; 
      comp_normalize: bool;

and port_group =
    { portgrp_id: Ident.t; 
      portgrp_extd: Ident.t option; 
      portgrp_feat: feature list; 
      portgrp_fref: feature_refinement list; 
      portgrp_inve: Ident.t option; 
      portgrp_prop: property list; 
      portgrp_annx: annex list; 
      portgrp_normalize: bool;

(* Component kind *)
and component_kind = Type | Implementation

(* Category *)
and category =
  (* Software category. *)
  | Data | Subprogram | Thread | Thread_group | Process
  (* Execution platform category. *) 
  | Processor | Memory | Bus | Device 
  (* Composite category. *) 
  | System



    feature ::=
      defining_identifier : feature_kind
      [ { { port_property_association }+ } ] ;

    feature_kind ::=
        ( ( in | out | in out ) port_type)
      | port group [ unique_port_group_type_reference ]
      | subprogram [ classifier_reference ]
      | ( provides | requires ) ( data | bus ) access [ identifier ]
      | ( in | out | in out ) parameter [ classifier_reference ]

    port_type ::=
        data port [ data_classifier_reference ]
      | event data port [ data_classifier_reference ]
      | event port


and feature =
    Ident.t * feature_kind * property_association list

and feature_kind = 
  | Feat_data_port of in_out_flag * classifier_reference option
  | Feat_event_data_port of in_out_flag * classifier_reference option
  | Feat_event_port of in_out_flag
  | Feat_port_group of unique_port_group_type_reference option
  | Feat_server_subprogram_spec of unique_subprogram_reference option
  | Feat_data_subprogram_spec of classifier_reference option
  | Feat_subcomponent_access of access_kind * category * Ident.t option
  | Feat_parameter of in_out_flag * classifier_reference option

and in_out_flag = In | Out | In_Out

and unique_port_group_type_reference = Ident.t

and classifier_reference = Ident.t

and unique_subprogram_reference = Ident.t

and access_kind = Provided | Required


Feature refinement


and feature_refinement 
(** TODO*)



    subcomponent ::=
      defining_subcomponent_identifier :
        component_category [ component_classifier_reference ]
        [ { { property_association }+ } ]
        [ in_modes ] ;


and subcomponent =
    Ident.t * 
      (** sub comp ident *)

      category * 
      classifier_reference option * 
         (** sub comp type *)

      property_association list
      (* * in_modes *)  (* TODO : mode xxx *)


    subprogram_call_sequence ::=
      [ identifier : ]
        { { subprogram_call }+ } [ in_modes ] ;

    subprogram_call ::=
      defining_call_identifier : subprogram called_subprogram
        [ { { subcomponent_call_property_association }+ } ] ;


and call_sequence =
    Ident.t option 
      * (Ident.t * Ident.t * property_association list) list 
   (* * in_mode *) (* xxx TODO : mode xxx *)



    connection ::=
      [ defining_connection_identifier :] connection_kind 
        source_identifier ( -> | ->> ) destination_identifier
      [ { { property_association }+ } ]
      [ in_modes_and_transitions ] ;


and connection =
    Ident.t option * connection_kind * 
      Ident.t * connection_arrow * Ident.t * 
      property_association list 
    (* * in_modes *) (* xxx TODO : mode xxx *)

and connection_kind = 
  | Conn_data_port
  | Conn_event_port
  | Conn_event_data_port
  | Conn_port_group
  | Conn_parameter
  | Conn_bus_access
  | Conn_data_access

and connection_arrow = 
  | Conn_arrow 
    (** -> *)
  | Conn_delayed_arrow 
    (** ->> *)



    flow ::= 
      | flow_implementation

    flow_spec ::=
      identifier : 
	( ( flow source identifier
          | flow path identifier -> identifier
          | flow sink identifier )
          [ { { property_association }+ } ] ;
        | refined to flow (source | sink | path) { { property_association }+ })


and flow =
    FlowSpec of Ident.t * flow_kind * property_association list
  | FlowImpl of Ident.t * flow_impl_kind

and flow_kind =
  | Flow_source of Ident.t
  | Flow_sink of Ident.t
  | Flow_path of Ident.t * Ident.t
  | Flow_refined_source 
  | Flow_refined_sink 
  | Flow_refined_path 

and flow_impl_kind =
  | FlowImpl_source of Ident.t list * Ident.t
  | FlowImpl_sink of Ident.t * Ident.t list
  | FlowImpl_path of Ident.t list * Ident.t * Ident.t * Ident.t list
  | FlowImpl_refined_source 
    (** TODO *)

  | FlowImpl_refined_sink 
    (** TODO *)

  | FlowImpl_refined_path 
    (** TODO *)




and mode  
   (** TODO *)



    property_association ::=
      identifier ( => | +=> ) [ constant ] [ access ] property_value
      [ applies to identifier [ in_modes ] [ in_bindings ] ]; 


and property = property_association

and property_association =
    Ident.t * property_arrow (* * bool * bool *) 
    * property_value  * 
      (Ident.t (* * classifier_reference list * Ident.t list *)
      option (* this last field contains the ident the property applies to *)
(** TODO : constant, access, in_modes, in_bindings *)

and property_arrow = Prop_arrow | Prop_plus_arrow

and property_value = property_expression list 

and property_expression = 
  | Prop_expr_immediate of immediate_expression
  | Prop_expr_integer_range of 
      aadl_intger_or_constant * aadl_intger_or_constant * int option
  | Prop_expr_real_range of 
      aadl_real_or_constant * aadl_real_or_constant * float option
  | Prop_expr_enumeration of Ident.t
  | Prop_expr_property_term of Ident.t
  | Prop_expr_component_classifier_term of category * Ident.t
  | Prop_expr_reference_term of Ident.t

and immediate =
  | Imm_bool of bool
  | Imm_int of aadl_intger_or_constant
  | Imm_real of aadl_real_or_constant
  | Imm_string of string

and immediate_expression = 
  | Imm_const of immediate
  | Imm_op1 of string * immediate_expression
  | Imm_op2 of string * immediate_expression * immediate_expression

and aadl_intger_or_constant =
  | Int of int * Ident.t option (* the unitLiteral is an option *)
  | Int_const of Ident.t
(* XXX integrate here the base?*)

and aadl_real_or_constant =
  | Real of float * Ident.t option
  | Real_const of Ident.t




and annex 
  (** TODO *)

let category_to_string = function
  | Data -> "Data" 
  | Subprogram -> "Subprogram" 
  | Thread -> "Thread" 
  | Thread_group -> "Thread_group" 
  | Process -> "Process"
  | Processor -> "Processor" 
  | Memory -> "Memory" 
  | Bus -> "Bus" 
  | Device -> "Device" 
  | System -> "System"