nltool::Ball Member List
This is the complete list of members for nltool::Ball, including all inherited members.
Ball(const unsigned dim, const Number rad, const stdVector center)nltool::Ball
Ball(const unsigned dim, const Number rad=0)nltool::Ball
dimension (defined in nltool::Set)nltool::Set [protected]
getCenter() const (defined in nltool::Ball)nltool::Ball
getDimension() (defined in nltool::Set)nltool::Set
getRadius() const (defined in nltool::Ball)nltool::Ball
optimize(const Vector &direction, Vector &optPoint, bool max=true)nltool::Ball [virtual]
Set() (defined in nltool::Set)nltool::Set
setCenter(stdVector center) (defined in nltool::Ball)nltool::Ball
setDimension(unsigned dimension) (defined in nltool::Set)nltool::Set
setRadius(Number radius) (defined in nltool::Ball)nltool::Ball
~Ball()nltool::Ball [virtual]
~Set() (defined in nltool::Set)nltool::Set [virtual]
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