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Jean-Louis Roch
Florent Autreau
Cristian Ene
Welcome to the homepage of the course "Security models: proofs, protocols and politics" !
The course presents the theroretical and pratical models and tools used to assess and to characterize the security of a cryptosystem, a protocol or an effective information system.
The course is divided in three parts:
- Security proofs
[12 lectures M2R and M2P, 3 trainings M2P, Prof: Jean-Louis Roch]:
foundations of provable security in relation with complexity
- Introduction: computationally, provably, unconditionally secure; Attack models; Probabilities
- Entropy and perfect secret/unconditional secure symmetric cryptosystem
- Provably secure cryptosystem - Asymetric cryptosystems, one-way functions and Polynomial reductions
- One-way hash function
- Pseudo-random generators
- Probabilistic algorithm - Interactive proofs
- Zero-knowledge protocols
- Application to other protocols: Identification schemes, key distribution, Sharing secret.
Models for Security [12 lectures M2R and M2P, 3 trainings M2P, Prof: Cristian Ene]:
foundations of semantic security,
- Indistinguishability
- Public Encryption
- Symmetric encryption
- Protocol Symbolic model and computational model
- Non-interference
- Acess control and security policies
- Security poiltics and audit [2 lectures M2P, 8 trainings M2P, Prof: Florent Autreau]:
methods and tools to assess and characterize security, availability and performance for Information System.
- Concepts
- Threats, risks.
- Methods and Standards
- Tools
- Hand-on labs ('Capture the Flag')
Course materials 
Lecture notes by students
For each course, a group of 2 students (named by the professor) has to write the notes on the course in latex;
those notes, together with the name of the students, will be made available on the course kiosk,
additionnaly to the slides of the course.
NB The two students have to send their note prior to the next course.
- ET: Final examination : 1 written exam (3 hours)
- TP: Practical work : 1 project lab with homework
- CC: Continuous controls: 2 written controls (30' each).
The mark obtained to the continuous control is taken into account only if larger than the mark
of the final examination.
- Final mark session 1: 20% * TP + 65% * ET + 15% * MAX(ET,CC)
- Session 2: (under decision of the jury) :
ET2: one final examination in session 2.: oral (30') if <= 5 students; written (1h) if i >=6 students
Final mark session 2: 20% * TP + 65% * ET2 + 15% * MAX(ET2, CC)
Cooperation and Cheating
Feel free to discuss project labs with other members of the class,
your professors, or the Teaching Assistant. However, do not look at or copy
another team solution to a homework or lab. We are not concerned with how
you come to understand the problem and how to solve it, but once you
have the background necessary to solve it, you must provide your own
solution. Exchanging lab solutions is cheating and will be reported to
the University, and you will lose credit for the course.