Articles proposés dans le cadre du cours
M2R Modèles de calcul, Complexité, Approximation et Heuristiques
de l'Université de Grenoble.
Articles proposés cette année
sur la partie: Modèle probabiliste: Algorithmes et Complexité
- Rajeev Motwani, Prabhakar Raghavan.
Randomized Algorithms - Chap 9: Geometric Algorithms and Linear Programming.
pp 234-277. Cambrdige University Press, 2000.
- Rajeev Motwani, Prabhakar Raghavan.
Randomized Algorithms - Chap 10: Graph Algorithms.
pp 278-305. Cambrdige University Press, 2000.
R. Cole, U. Vishkin.
Deterministic coin tossing and accelerating cascades: micro and macro techniques for designing parallel algorithms.
[ local ]
Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing,
STOC '86, pp 206--219,
- Abstract: [...]
This paper introduces a new deterministic coin tossing technique
that provides for a fast and efficient breaking of a symmetric
situation in parallel. Previously, it was known how to
break such symmetries only by means of randomization. Interestingly,
the structure of all the algorithms in this paper follow a
paradigm which we call accelerating cascades. Given several
alternative parallel algorithms for the same problem, this paradigm
constructs a new algorithm for the same problem out of
these algorithms; the performance of the new algorithm compares
favourably with that of any of its building blocks.
- [assez difficile] Jeff Abrahamson, Béla Csaba, Ali Shokoufandeh:
Optimal Random Matchings on Trees and Applications. Random 2008, pp 254-265
[ local ]
- Abstract. In this paper we will consider tight upper and lower bounds
on the weight of the optimal matching for random point sets distributed
among the leaves of a tree, as a function of its cardinality. Specifically,
given two n sets of points R = {r1,...,rn} and B = {b1,...,bn} dis-
tributed uniformly and randomly on the m leaves of λ-Hierarchically
Separated Trees with branching factor b such that each of its leaves is
at depth δ, we will prove that the expected weight of optimal matching
between R and B is Θ(√nb h (√bλ)k ), for h = min(δ, log n). Using a k=1 b
simple embedding algorithm from Rd to HSTs, we are able to reproduce the results concerning the expected optimal transportation cost in [0, 1]d , except for d = 2. We also show that giving random weights to the points does not affect the expected matching weight by more than a constant factor. Finally, we prove upper bounds on several sets for which showing reasonable matching results would previously have been intractable, e.g., the Cantor set, and various fractals.
- [Assez difficile]
Eric Allender, V Arvind and Fengming Wang.
Uniform Derandomization from Pathetic Lower Bounds Random 2009.
Question: random self-reducibility et application à la séparation entre
TC0 (circuit booléens à fan-in et fan-out non borné et de profondeur constante) et
NC1 (circuit booléens à fan-in borné et de profondeur logarithmique)
- [Difficile]
Algorithmic Aspects of Property Testing in The Dense Graphs Model
Oded Goldreich and Dana Ron. Random 2009.
- [Difficile] David P. Woodruff:
Corruption and Recovery-Efficient Locally Decodable Codes. 584-595