Colors : ======== Every graphic objects have standard foreground and background colors fixed by resource. The foreground color is used to draw the boundary of the objects. The background is used to fill the area of the object. Example of resources for box graphic object : atg*boxForeground: AntiqueWhite4 atg*boxBackground: LemonChiffon They have specific foreground and background color for hilighting operation fixed by resources, like : atg*hilightBoxForeground: Red atg*hilightBoxBackground: Lightgoldenrod Label have foreground and background colors fixed by resources depending of the type of the label (struct, behav, logic or hook) and of the graphic object they label. atg*behavLabelBoxForeground: HotPink4 atg*structLabelBoxForeground: SteelBlue4 atg*logicLabelBoxForeground: darkgoldenrod4 atg*hookLabelBoxForeground: darkgreen Object foreground and background color can be changed by menu resp. : and : (you can change color individually or on the selected sets of objects altogether). These menus are fixed by resources. You give the number of foreground and background colors you want to appear in the menus and you give the list of the colors. The button command of the and > menu is used to reset the original color on the graphic objects. The :: menu command allows you to make you graphic objects opaque or transparents. By default, box are transparent and other objects are opaque. Font : ====== Each graphic object type have different default fonts fixed by resources for the four label types of the fc2 format (struct, behav, logic, hook). Example of resources for box label font : atg*behavLabelBoxFont: *-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* atg*structLabelBoxFont:*-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* atg*logicLabelBoxFont: *-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* atg*hookLabelBoxFont: *-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* Corresponding to the screen fonts, each graphic object type have postscript fonts also fixed by resources for the four label types of the fc2 format (struct, behav, logic, hook), like : atg*behavLabelBoxPostscriptFont: Helvetica-Bold 12 atg*structLabelBoxPostscriptFont: Helvetica-Bold 12 atg*logicLabelBoxPostscriptFont: Helvetica-Bold 12 atg*hookLabelBoxPostscriptFont: Helvetica-Bold 12 Label font can be changed by the : menu (you can change font individually or on the selected sets of objects altogether). This menu is fixed by resources. You give the number of fonts you want to appear in the menu and you give the list of the fonts together with its corresponding Postscript font. The : menu command is used to reset the original font on the label. Please Report Bugs to or =========================================================== Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: .../... ------------------------------------------------------------- If you get this error message while running atg, set the shell variable XKEYSYMDB to the XKeysymDB file of the atg distrib and rerun atg. Rubberband : ------------ If the rubberband (dashed rectangle which appear when you move an object) is not visible or if the color is too light, you can try to set the two following resources with different colors : atg*rubberForeground: DimGray atg*rubberBackground: Black