Checking and Translation : ========================== Drawings are translated into Fc2 format, provided they fulfill coherency requirements. Incorrections are listed on the standard error when using the : menu button or directly when translating in fc2 format. Fc2 Format for Graphic Object Label : ===================================== If graphic object labels are not edited inside character string, they are parsed like fc2 expression where leaves are strings and operators are for example ^, ~, _, @, &, ), ,, ., !, >, <, (, +, ?, :, *, #. By default identificators are put inside character string BUT BEWARE tau (Tau, TAU) is an fc2 identificator (like quit, so il you whish a "tau" ("Tau", "TAU") write it inside character string. See the fc2 reference manual for help. For example, when you edit a behav label : 1) !a+?b.TAU is equivalent to ! "a" + ? "b" . tau It will become in the fc2 format something like : Behavs 3 :0 "a" :1 "b" :3 !0+?1.tau 2) !"a+?b"."TAU" is equivalent to ! "a+?b" . "TAU" It will become in the fc2 format something like : Behavs 2 :0 "a+?b" :1 "TAU" :2 !0.1