Exploration : ============= The present version of autograph focus on automata (as they are the main results of verification system). Most of the time, they present no graphic positions for their vertices, edges and labels. The exploration allow you to display these automata. There are two ways to do this, you can unfold the automaton step by step by exploring the vertex adjacency list with the : menu command, or display the whole automaton or a given part of it, in one step with the : menu command (this command is not yet implemented). A vertex is said to be unexplored when some of its outgoing edges are missing on display. Unexplored vertice have specific graphical attributes. To explore a vertex, once the explore command selected, click inside an unexplored vertex, keep the mouse button down, and drag to indicate a given direction and length. When you release the mouse button, new edges will be displayed "around" the given direction, with possibly new vertice being unfolded. Edges leading to already existing vertice point towards them. Loop edges are displayed in the opposite directions to other edges. Vertice may also be explored backwards (its ingoing edges will be displayed) with the : menu command. A vertex does not indicate whether it is fully backward explored. The : menu command allows you to refold either vertice or edges, out of drawing.