Autograph writes and reads files in a dedicated format, easily parsed and produced. Files are usually suffixed in ".sa" Unix names. Automata with missing graphical assignments may be loaded, providing "unexplored" states. See help:explore. Files:load -prompts for a file name in a dialog window, and will create a new window. Files:save -requires an additional mouse click in each window whose contend is to be saved. Files:save as -additional prompts for a file name to save the description. Postscript files may also be produced, ALTHOUGH NOT READ BACK, including a %%BoundingBox value allowing later inclusions. Drawings are not scaled in any way to fit page sizes. WARNING: Not yet implemented: A file browser for fast load/save. Networks exploration. Translation to more semantic FC2 format files (developped inside ESPRIT BRA CONCUR2 project). Correctness and completion menus to check drawings.