Colors : ======== Foreground and background colors are used to paint objects and labels. They are set by resources, according parameter divisions recorded below. Each type of object has standard colors. For example: atg*boxForeground: AntiqueWhite4 atg*boxBackground: LemonChiffon Object types also have specific colors for objects when highlighted. atg*hilightBoxForeground: Red atg*hilightBoxBackground: Lightgoldenrod Colors of labels are given according to both its type (struct, behav, logic or hook) and the type of its object. atg*behavLabelBoxForeground: HotPink4 atg*structLabelBoxForeground: SteelBlue4 atg*logicLabelBoxForeground: darkgoldenrod4 atg*hookLabelBoxForeground: darkgreen Highlighted labels have all the same color, disregarding types. atg*hilightNameForeground: salmon atg*hilightNameBackground: peru Individual objects (or selections) can also be assigned color by menu with the : and : buttons. The range of available colors in the menu is also set by resource and cannot be dynamically changed from atg. In particular the number of such color buttons must be set by resource. The button of the and menus resets color to original according to types. The :: button allows or disallows background filling on individual objects or selections. Originally only boxes do not have visible backgrounds. Font : ====== Labels have different default fonts, fixed by resources, according to types (struct, behav, logic, hook) and type of labeled object (box, port, vertex ...). For example: atg*behavLabelBoxFont: *-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* atg*structLabelBoxFont:*-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* atg*logicLabelBoxFont: *-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* atg*hookLabelBoxFont: *-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* Postscript fonts must also be similarly provided: atg*behavLabelBoxPostscriptFont: Helvetica-Bold 12 atg*structLabelBoxPostscriptFont: Helvetica-Bold 12 atg*logicLabelBoxPostscriptFont: Helvetica-Bold 12 atg*hookLabelBoxPostscriptFont: Helvetica-Bold 12 Individual objects or selctions can also be changed label fonts through the : menu. This menu content is again fixed by resources, including the number of fonts declared, and cannot be dynamically changed in atg. The : button resets the original font on the label. Box : ===== Boxes represent (sub)processes. A box is a rectangular frame, which may contain ports on its boundary (see help:Editing:Ports). How to create a box: 1- select the "edition:box:create" menu function. 2- drag the mouse left button for opposite corners in the drawing area. Creation may fail for too small a size. Proper nesting of boxes, and absence of overlapping, is NOT checked until explicit translation/completion is required by the user. Boxes can be reshaped or rescaled from any corner, using the Edition:box:reshape/rescale functions. In the first case ports are projected orthogonally, while in the second case they keep proportions along the side of the box. Reshape may abort when ports would project outside boundaries. Box size attributes can be fixed by resources : atg*boxLineWidth: 3 atg*boxMinWidth: 10 atg*boxMinHeight: 10 Edge : ====== Edges are directed broken lines (not splines). They join any couple of objects with types in {port, web, vertex}. They bear possibly several labels (implicitly representimg multi-edges). To create an edge: 1. select the :: menu command ('e' is the keyboard shortcut); 2. click inside the source object (with left mouse button), keep button down; 3. Each mouse button release will create a new pinning nail, except when a proper target object, where the edition will end. Nails may be added, moved or killed by menu. The menu commands :: and :: will allow to redirect a given edge. CAUTION: not yet implemented. The menu commands :: and :: highlighst the corresponding objects. Additional resource are present to set up utility values: length of the arrowhead; angle between the arrow and the edgeline; approximation of the clicking zone to select and grasp the edge. edge line width (atg*edgeLineWidth: 0 uses fast raster). Net : ===== The graphical content of an Autograph window, with all its objects and labels, is supposed to form a Net description. Nevertheless during edition unstable drawings may be produced. Correctness is only checked prior to translation into FC2 format, through the : menu button (click on window to check then). Correctnes rules are listed in the autograph documentation. Translation is then performed with the : menu button (again: click on windows to translate). Each net shall be named after its window title (see menu button :). Descriptions of elementary objects are found in respective help files. Port : ====== Ports represent communication gates. They are represented as circles on boxes. How to create a port: 1- select the <ObjectsEdit>:<Ports>:<Create> menu button ('p' is the keyboard short-hand) 2- click with the mouse left button inside the desired box. The port will be placed at the nearest projected location on the box boundary. Ports can be connected together either: - graphically, by edges and possibly "webs" for multisynchronisations - textually, by label identifications. Ports are selected/moved/killed along with their box. They can also be moved on the box surface or killed independently. When <Placing>:<Align On/Off> toogle button is on (default: off), ports locations are straightened on ports move to align them to some extend with other objects attached through edges. Port size attributes can be fixed by resources: atg*portRadius : 5 atg*portLineWidth: 0 (default, uses fast raster) Vertices : ========== Vertice represent automata states. They are round-shaped, and could appear anywhere in the drawing area. How to create a vertex: 1- select the <ObjectsEdit>:<Vertice>:<Create> menu button (or type 'v' in the window where you want to create a vertex it will select the same menu mode) 2- click with the mouse left button inside drawing area. A vertex can be made initial, and can be "unexplored", meaning that SOME of its outgoing transitions are folded back (see <Help>:<Placing>:<Exploration>). Both properties are displayed as smaller inner circles, using default colors and sizes: Vertex size attributes can be fixed by resources : atg*vertexRadius: 8 atg*vertexInitialRadius: 5 atg*vertexExploreRadius: 4 atg*vertexLineWidth: 0 Web : ===== Webs are elliptic shaped nodes gathering multiple connections including more than two ports (simple connections can be represented by a plain edge between ports). Examples are: Lotos multisynchronisations, Synchronisation vectors of automata, Petri nets transitions, etc. Webs can be connected though edges to ports or vertices. How to create a web: 1- select the <GraphicObjects>:<Webs>:<Create> menu button, ('w' for keyboard short-hand). 2- click with the mouse left button inside drawing area. Vertex size attributes can be fixed by resources : atg*webRadiusHoriz: 12 atg*webRadiusVert: 2 atg*webLineWidth: 0 (uses fast raster) Fc2 format : =========== This format is used for file exchange between verification tools, at the level of single automata and -more generally- hierarchical finite networks of such. Fc2 syntax is not user-friendly but allows compact description of large objects. Autograph can read -plain- automata in fc2 format, through the <File>:<Load fc2> menu button. Initial states are then displayed in new window, and the mouse left button is put in <Placing>:<Explore> mode (see corresponding help file). Autograph translates correct window contents (or: nets) into fc2 format with the <Files>:<fc2 Format> menu button (then click desired windows). Correctness is checked prior with the <Windows>:<check Coherency> menu button. Internal format : ================= Autograph uses an internal format for saving and restoring drawings including graphical attributes and possibly incoherent (as nets). Files are loaded with the <Files>:<Load atg> menu command, and saved with <Files>:<atg Format> or <Files>:<atg Format as> (then click on each window to be saved). Filenames are suffixed by ".atg". Old ".sa" file format : ----------------------- The sa2atg Unix command (included in the atg distribution) translates the older ".sa" syntax to actual ".atg" syntax. Postscript format : =================== Autograph produces postscript from drawings, using the <Files>:<Postscript Format> or <Files>:<Postscript Format As> menu button (then click on each window to translate). Postscript display uses splines instead of broken-line edges, and currently does not support color. Fonts used for labels are set by resource. The pstex and psfp unix utility commands (included in the distribution) allow respectively inclusion in latex or scaling to A4 f(ull)p(age). General description : ===================== Autograph is a graphical front-end interface containing editor, object management and translator features for automata networks in the scope of process calculi theory. User interface : ---------------- Edition functions are found in the menubar and applied to graphical area windows by mouse clicking. Dedicated text editors allow semantic labeling such as names of behaviours and communications. See relevant help on mouse button, windows and further editing topics. Graphic Objects : ----------------- Known objects are boxes, ports (on them), vertices, edges and webs. Together they build automata and networks of such. Objects can be labeled, and labels are further refined according to meaning, amongst four fields: structure, behaviour, logic, hook. Autograph offers classical features of graphical editors (create/move/delete/select on objects, cut-and-paste and alignment features) and also more domain-specific functions. see further help on ObjectsEdit, Placing and Attributes for more details. Input/output formats : ---------------------- Autograph uses a private graphical format, an exchange format for automata network descriptions, and postscript as an output. See help on files for more precise presentation of file formats. Visualisation : --------------- Apart from graphical edition, Autograph is meant to display results from verification tools. The current version supports only automaton exploration in this regard. See help on Placing:Exploration. Global : ======== This menu contains functions that may be applied on objects of all types indistinctly. These functions can also be applied on a current selection altogether. The <Globals>:<Select> menu button allows grouping of objects in selections (the mouse right button is a permanent short-hand for object select, see help on mouse button for details). Objects can be selected in a toggle fashion, either by individual clicking, or by dragging a phantom over a rectangular zone comprising the object entirely. CAUTION: Actually only boxes, vertices and webs can be selected, with the understanding that ports on selected boxes, edges connecting objects both selected and labels on selected objects are taken as part of the selection. Autograph offers copy/paste with <Globals>:<Copy> and <Globals>:<Paste> menu buttons. The copied part is pictured in a specific buffer window that can be edited. Both copy and paste operations require the user to click afterwards on the object or the location to receive the function (clicking on a selected object will copy the whole selection). In particular, you CANNOT simply paste selected objects without copying them first. <Globals>:<Hilight On/Off> allows you to show some particular graphic object on a drawing. Autograph writes and reads files in a dedicated format, easily parsed and produced. Files are usually suffixed in ".sa" Unix names. Automata with missing graphical assignments may be loaded, providing "unexplored" states. See help:explore. Files:load -prompts for a file name in a dialog window, and will create a new window. Files:save -requires an additional mouse click in each window whose contend is to be saved. Files:save as -additional prompts for a file name to save the description. Postscript files may also be produced, ALTHOUGH NOT READ BACK, including a %%BoundingBox value allowing later inclusions. Drawings are not scaled in any way to fit page sizes. WARNING: Not yet implemented: A file browser for fast load/save. Networks exploration. Translation to more semantic FC2 format files (developped inside ESPRIT BRA CONCUR2 project). Correctness and completion menus to check drawings. Implementation : ================ autograph is written in C++, uses the XWindow library (Xlib), the Xt Intrinsics toolkit and the Osf Motif widget library set. Installation : ============== The atg distrib contains : - the makefile, by running "make atg" you obtain a shell script named atg. - the atg.bin binary file and its man pages, - the Atg resources file, to be copied in a proper directory of X11 resources - the help directory, whose directory path address is to be set in the Atg resource file as " atg*helpDir " or with the shell variable AUTOGRAPH_HELP_DIR. - the shell command psfp and its man pages, for full page display of autograph postscript output. - the sa2atg binary used to translate all old ".sa" syntax into new ".atg" syntax, - the XKeysymDB file: to avoid error message like <Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: .../...>, set the XKEYSYMDB shell variable to this file. Key Shortcut : ============== File : ====== Load atg (l) Load fc (L) Save atg (s) Save atg sa (S) Save postscript (o) Save postscript as (O) Save fc (f) Save fc as (F) Window : ======== Create (I) Adjust Size (C) See/Hide Global View (G) Delete (D) Title (t) Move Partial View (M) Undo (u) Check Drawing Coherency (c) ObjectsEdit : ============= Boxes : Create (b) Move (@) Resize (r) Delete (B) Ports : Create (p) Move (#) Delete (P) Edges : Create (e) Delete (E) UnExplore Show Target (+) Show Source (-) Create Nail (n) Move Nail (&) Delete Nail (N) Vertice : Create (v) Initial (i) Move ($) Delete (V) Webs : Create (w) Move (%) Delete (W) Label : ======= Create/Edit Default (a) Create/Edit All (4) Reedit (R) Bufferize (g) struct : Show/Hide (z) Show/Hide All (Z) Behav : Show/Hide (y) Show/Hide All (Y) Logic : Show/Hide (k) Show/Hide All (K) Hook : Show/Hide (g) Show/Hide All (G) All : Show/Hide (j) Show/Hide 4 fields (J) Move (*) Delete (A) Show Label/Object (:) Globals : ========= Select (.) Copy (?) Paste (!) Delete (d) Move (m) Hilight On/Off (,) Placing : ========= Explore (x) Explore Backward (X) UnExplore (U) Align : Left (1) Column (2) Right (3) Bottom (5) Row (6) Top (7) Circle (8) Label : ======= In fc2 format objects are labeled by semantic decorations in four distinct fields: struct(ure), behav(iour), logic and hook. Distinctive meanings are explained in the Fc2 documentation (see help on fileformat Fc2). With the <Label>:<Create/Edit All> command (`4' as keyboard short-hand) one can enter the 4 label fields for any object clicked on. The label editor allows some emacs-like commands, including some mouse functions. Each field can be individually made visible or not on the drawing for the current object. When editing a non labeled object, most recent editing values are inserted in editors by default. When editing an already labeled object, its current labeling is provided in the editor fields. The <Label>:<Create/Edit Default> menu allows fast edition of most frequently used fields (then only one editor is provided). Boxes and vertices are then labeled in the (process algebraic) struct field, while ports, webs and edges are labeled in the (action) behav field. Label fonts and colors will depend on both the types of the label and of the labeled object. See <Help>:<Attributes>:<Foregound>. Edges can be multiply labeled (each label having 4 field). To modify then an existing label, there is a <Label>:<Reedit> menu button to select a label (and not an object)to be modified by edition. Also <Label>:<Bufferize> simply brings an existing label (with all 4 fields) into the editor, where it can then be pasted on unlabeled objects as the last default value. Show/Hide Label : ----------------- Labels can be made visible/invisible without using the editor. A number of menu buttons allow to toggle, either according to label types (in struct,behav,hook,logic) or for all types, the display of labels for each individual object (or selection) one will click on afterwards. See for instance <Labels>:<Hook>:<See/Hide>. Also, menu buttons allow to hide or restore ALL labels of a given type on ALL objects of the window(s) that receive a click from then. <Label>:<Show Label/Object> highlights objects or labels to show their correspondance. Mouse buttons : =============== Autograph distinguishes between left/middle/right mouse button. The left button : ----------------- Allows all functions. Selects commands from menu buttons and then applies them repeatedly. It is always imperative to click on these objects or areas to which the function is to be applied. The middle button : ------------------- Is a short-hand for move commands on all objects or labels (or selection, see below). The right button : ------------------ Is a short-hand for <Globals>:<Select> command. Grouping objects by selection allows them to be applied further commands as a whole ("copy" for instance). Individual objects are selected/deselected in a toggle mode fashion through this mouse button. Rectangular regions can also be toggled by dragging the mouse with this button down. Alignment : =========== Selected objects can be aligned according to different shapes: <Placing>:<Align>:<Left> <Placing>:<Align>:<Right> <Placing>:<Align>:<Column> (vertically centered) <Placing>:<Align>:<Bottom> <Placing>:<Align>:<Top> <Placing>:<Align>:<Row> (horizontally centered) <Placing>:<Align>:<Circle> For each of these commands a phantom shall appear when pulling the mouse button down, which can be moved and will figure the ruler against which objects shall be projected when releasing the button. In case of <Circle>, the initial click figures the center and the place of release indicates the radius. Objects will be slid from their current position on the half-line rooted in the circle center until they reach the circle itself (circular projection). When `on' (default: off), the <Placing>:<On/Off Align> toggle menu lets "almost" vertical or horizontal edge segments be straightened. WARNING: not yet implemented. Placing Automatic : =================== The <Placing>:<Vertex Automatic> menu command will provide automatic layout of the selected parts of automata. WARNING: not yet implemented. Exploration : ============= Autograph allows parts of some automata to be hidden, not displayed. This is typically the case for fc2 automata files loaded from verification systems. Such invisible automata can be -fully or partially- interactively explored by the user, using the <Placing>:<Explore> menu button (`E' for keyboard short-hand). A (visible) state whose outgoing edges are not all visible is decorated with a smaller circle inside its shape (it is said to be "non fully explored"). To explore its invisible transition one clicks inside the state, leaving the mouse button down, and release the button at a location providing a main dircetion together with a minimal distance. New reached states, or intermediate nails for edges leading to existing states, are then placed in a quadrant around the main direction and at integer multiple distances of the one provided. New states shall again be unexplored, so that this function unfolds automata one step at a time. Vertice may also be explored backwards with <Placing>:<Explore Back> (considering incoming edges). Still, a vertex bears the "unexplored" tag exactly until explored forwards. The <Placing>:<Unexplore (U)> menu command allows to fold back both vertice or edges for screen management and clarity. For large drawings exceeding the window size, the "global view" provides highlights of unexplored vertices for easy retrieval. See help on global views. Please Report Bugs to or =========================================================== Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: .../... ------------------------------------------------------------- If you get this error message while running atg, set the shell variable XKEYSYMDB to the XKeysymDB file of the atg distrib and rerun atg. Rubberband : ------------ If the rubberband (dashed rectangle which appear when you move an object) is not visible or if the color is too light, you can try to set the two following resources with different colors : atg*rubberForeground: DimGray atg*rubberBackground: Black <Label>:<Show Label/Object> : ----------------------------- The used color is the hilight color of the Name/Objetc but the combinaison mode is Xor, so the effective color is not predictable. <Windows>:<Delete (k)> : ------------------------ Delete a Window by the window manager is not actually handle by Autograph and may cause bus error problem. <Files>:<Load Fc2 (f)> : ------------------------ --- debugging version --- When a label reference in an fc2 file refers to a "hole" of the corresponding table, we build a dummy label ("BEWARE_DUMMY_LABEL") and we display the fc2 file. <Help>: ------- The first time atg display a Motif widget, its width is bad. Global : ======== Autograph allows objects selection (with the mouse right button), or label selection (with the <Label>:<Select> menu button). Objects are (de)selected in a toggle fashion, either individually by clicking on the object, or inside a rectangular zone defined by dragging the mouse. Several menu functions will work on the selection as a whole when applied to any of its components (move, color or font changes, etc). Other functions will only make sense when a selection is provided (alignments). Drawings are translated into Fc2 format, provided they fulfill coherency requirements. Possible incorrections are spotted graphically using the <Window>:<check coherency> menu button. WARNING: Translation into Fc2 format is not implemented in this version of autograph Window : ======== The menu button <Window>:<Create> creates new Autograph drawing windows.Window size (normal, minimum and maximum), color (foreground and background), default title name, ... are fixed by resources, as in atg*windowTitle: AtgWindow atg*windowWidth: 300 atg*windowMinWidth: 100 atg*windowMaxWidth: 1000 Window management (move, resize, iconify, raise/lower, etc.) is left to the window manager, except for deleting or entitling a single window, which is performed by the <Window>:<Delete> and <Window>:<title> menu buttons respectively. Horizontal and vertical scrollbars are automatically attached to window when the drawing area become greather than the window. Also, the <Window>:<Move Partial view> menu button allows moving in all directions: clicking and dragging the mouse in the drawing area provides a direction and a length for translation. <Window>:<Adjust Size> resizes the window size to the drawing boundaries. <Window>:<Global View> provides a scaled-down view of the full drawing, which is specially useful when it is larger than the edition window. Objects cannot be edited in this new window, but unexplored vertices (see help on Placing:Explore) are highlighted, and moving a phantom in the global view will reposition the edition window. Minimal and maximal sizes are provided for the global view by resources. <Window>:<Check Drawing Coherency> verifies correctness of the drawing regarding translation rules into process algebra semantics (e.g. automata all bear an initial state, boxes do not overlap, sufficient labeling is provided, ...).