Web Fusion By Name Off/On : =========================== Network descriptions (via boxes and ports) are naturally meant to represent communicating hierarchies of processes. A "connection" is any set of ports belonging to sibling boxes and their "mother". At top-most level the mother box needs not exist. In spirit a communication will then comprise activity at every port taking part in the connection. The actual connections are set by a mixture of graphical and textual references. The latter contains an alternative interpretation, and both solutions can be selected according to this flag option. The general connection philosophy is as follows: Ports of sibling boxes -and possibly mother box- that are collected as part of a web belong to the same connection. A direct edge between two ports is a useful shorhand for plain binary connection. This makes up for graphical connections. Ports, webs (and their edge shorthand) may bear a 'simple' name. Names of ports are overridden by their belonging to a web. A connection that does not contain a port from the "mother" box can be linked to it by name identity. The flag controls whether such connections with the same name are kept separate amongst themselves (default value), or contribute to the same larger connection. As result, in the first case the outside behaviour is considered as obtained by any alternative connection amongst several possible, while in the second case they are inclusive.