Automata may be partially explored, specially when loaded from files produced by verification tools. A vertex is "unexplored" when some of its outgoing transitions are missing on display. Unexplored vertice have specific graphical attributes. How to explore a vertex: 1- Select the Exploration:ExploreAutomata menu function. 2- click inside a given unexplored vertex, keeping the mouse button down, and drag to indicate a given direction and length. New edges will be displayed "around" the given direction,with possibly new vertice being unfolded. Exceptions are: Edges leading to already existing vertice globally point towards them. Self-loops are displayed in the opposite directions to other edges. Superposed edges are allowed, but Autograph will try to the best of its knowledge not to superpose two edges of OPPOSITE directions in between objects. Vertice may also be explored BACKWARDS, with the Exploration:BackExploreAutomata menu function. A vertex does NOT indicate whether it is fully backward explored. Vertice and edges can also be folded back, using the Explore:Unexplore menu function. Then clicking indistinctly on vertice and edges will fold them back out of display, to the extension that a connected part cannot be fully removed from display (it could not be retrieved later on). Automatic placement is also possible, through the Explore:Spring menu function. Click inside a given vertex afterwards. As a result a new window is popped up, containing an automatically placed version of the automaton comprising this vertex. The function uses an independant software tool, used courtesy of the LRI (Paris 11 University, Orsay, France). See help:copyright for details. WARNING: Exploration of networks other than automata is not yet implemented.