Boxes represent (sub)processes. A box is a rectangular frame, which may contain ports on its periphery (see help:Editing:Ports). How to create a box: 1- select the "edition:box:create" menu function. 2- drag the mouse left button from opposite corners in the drawing area. Box select/move/kill functions apply to its attached ports altogether. A box has default colors and minimal sizes, under X11 resources: Atg*boxForeground Atg*boxBackground Atg*boxminwidth Atg*boxminheight Further box attributes may alter color shades. Proper nesting of boxes, and absence of overlapping, is NOT checked until explicit translation/completion is required by the user. WARNING: not yet implemented: Boxes can be reshaped or rescaled from any corner, using the Edition:box:reshape/rescale functions. In the first case ports are projected orthogonally, while in the second case they keep proportions along the side of the box. Reshape may abort when ports would project outside boundaries.