Exploration : ============= Autograph allows parts of some automata to be hidden, not displayed. This is typically the case for fc2 automata files coming from verification systems. Such invisible automata can be -fully or partially- interactively explored by the user, using the : menu button (`x' for keyboard short-hand). A (visible) state whose outgoing edges are not all visible is decorated with a smaller circle inside its shape (it is said to be "non fully explored"). To explore its invisible transition one clicks inside the state, leaving the mouse button down, and release the button at a location providing a main dircetion together with a distance. New reached states, or intermediate nails for edges leading to existing states, are then placed in a quadrant around the main direction and at integer multiple distances of the one provided. New states shall again be unexplored, so that this function unfolds automata one step at a time. Vertice may also be explored backwards with : (considering incoming edges). Still, a vertex bears the "unexplored" tag exactly until explored forwards. The : menu command allows to fold back both vertice or edges for screen management and clarity. Highlighting unexplored vertice during exploration : ---------------------------------------------------- The : provides you a scaled view of the window (you clic on) where the unexplored vertices are highlighted. If you clic in this global view window, you can move a rectangular box to change the current view of the edition window. See :. Hiding Label during exploration : ------------------------------- When labels darken the screen, you can hide it all using