Label Meaning : =============== Like in fc2 format graphic objects are labeled by four distinct fields: STRUCT(ure), BEHAV(iour), LOGIC and HOOK. Distinctive meanings are explained in the Fc2 documentation (see help on fileformat Fc2). By resources (see the Atg file) we give a visibility to each type of label of each graphic object : for Vertices and Boxes : only the STRUCT label are visible as they are the name of these objects. for Edges, Ports and Webs : only The BEHAV labels are visible as they are the behaviour of these objects. The LOGIC and HOOK fields are by default hiden on every objects. Exploration : ============= During the exploration the STRUCT label of vertices are hidden. By menu the user can hide or show a type of Label : for example during the exploration the user can hide all the BEHAV labels by selecting the :: and clicking on the window and must click again to show the BEHAV labels.