Installation : ============== The atg distrib contains : - the makefile, by running "make atg" you obtain a shell script named "atg", - the atg man pages, - the "atgbinary" binary file, - the resources file named "Atg", in the atg shell script, we set the shell variable XENVIRONMENT to this file, - a resource file named "AtgBlackAndWhite" for black and white screen to move in the "Atg" file when needed, - the "help" directory, in the atg shell script, we set the shell variable ATG_HELP_DIR to this file. Path address can also be set in the Atg resource file as "atg*helpDir", - the shell command "psfp" and its man pages, for full page display of autograph postscript output, - the "sa2atg" binary used to translate all old ".sa" syntax into new ".atg" syntax, - the fc2 reference manual, - the XKeysymDB file: to avoid error message like , in the atg shell script, we set the shell variable XKEYSYMDB to this file.