Font : ====== Labels have different default fonts, fixed by resources, according to types (struct, behav, logic, hook) and type of labeled object (box, port, vertex ...). For example: atg*behavLabelBoxFont : *-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* atg*structLabelBoxFont: *-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* atg*logicLabelBoxFont : *-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* atg*hookLabelBoxFont : *-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-* Postscript fonts must also be similarly provided: atg*behavLabelBoxPostscriptFont : Helvetica-Bold 12 atg*structLabelBoxPostscriptFont: Helvetica-Bold 12 atg*logicLabelBoxPostscriptFont : Helvetica-Bold 12 atg*hookLabelBoxPostscriptFont : Helvetica-Bold 12 Individual objects or selctions can also be changed label fonts through the : menu. This menu content is again fixed by resources, including the number of fonts declared, and cannot be dynamically changed in atg. The : button resets the original font on the label.