Colors : ======== Foreground and background colors are used to paint objects and labels. They are set by resources, according parameter divisions recorded below. Each type of object has standard colors. For example: atg*boxForeground : AntiqueWhite4 atg*boxBackground : LemonChiffon Object types also have specific colors for objects when highlighted atg*hilightBoxForeground : Red atg*hilightBoxBackground : Lightgoldenrod Colors of labels are given according to both its type (struct, behav, logic or hook) and the type of its object. atg*behavLabelBoxForeground : HotPink4 atg*structLabelBoxForeground: SteelBlue4 atg*logicLabelBoxForeground : darkgoldenrod4 atg*hookLabelBoxForeground : darkgreen Highlighted labels have all the same color, disregarding types. atg*hilightNameForeground : salmon atg*hilightNameBackground : peru You can give a new color to a graphic object (to the whole selection if the object is selected) by menu. The menu button are : and :. The range of available colors in the menu is also set by resource and cannot be dynamically changed from atg. In particular the number of such color buttons must be set by resource. The button of the and menus resets color to original according to types. The :: button allows or disallows background filling on individual objects or selections. Originally only boxes do not have visible backgrounds.