# Take a look (edit) the lustre files * they are collections of 'procedures' (nodes) * note the profiles of nodes: list of inputs, list of outputs * a node can use (instanciate) another node # Launch the simulation with a lustre file, and a node: luciole utils.lus edge - note that 'luciole' creates a intermediate 'ec' file (expanded code) you can safely remove it after, or use 'make clean' - good practice: use ' -help' or 'man ' to get more infos (not necessary to read/understand everithing for now !) luciole -help man luciole # Explore Luciole menu/features * Clocks/auto-step and compose * Tools/sim2chro # Do the same for other nodes in the file, e.g. luciole utils.lus countdown # Try a more complex one luciole samples.lus stopwatch