Taking Non Functional Properties into account while studying embedded systems.

Modern embedded systems have more and more constraints on ressources, while their the complexity of their functionality keeps increesing. Not only the functionality should be correct, but other, non-functional aspects have critical importance.

We are particularly interested in the following properties:

This talks starts with a brief panorama of the existing methods for the study of non-functional properties, with a short comparison of computational methods, model-checking, and analytic methods.

We then present the works already carried out in Verimag, in particular in the area of sensor networks (with the simulator Glonemo) and Systems-on-a-Chip (work done in partnership with Docea-Power on early estimation of power-consumption taking temperature into account).

We conclude the first part of the talk with a list of requirements for studying non-functional properties in embedded systems. Mainly: State-based behavior, Solution to the state-explosion problem, and compositionality.

The talks ends with a presentation of work in progress, with mostly two questions: Can Real-time calculus model energy in state-based systems? and How can probabilistic model-checkers scale-up in the verification of a system with quality of service?

Matthieu MOY
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Last updated: June, 2008.