Software Security and Secure Programming

Course staff



Part 1 (first 6 weeks)
    classes on Tuesday (11.15 am to 12.45 am) and Wednesday (2 pm to 3.30 pm)

Part 2 (next 6 weeks)
    classes on Tuesday (8.15 am to 11.15 am)

The official timetable is available here:

Past Exams

Some general references

web sites
books and papers

On-going tentative schedule ...

Part 1 [CySec + Mosig students]

week 1 - 28/09

week 6 - 09/11

10/11: A summary about information-flow analysis" and some elements on sandboxing (slides from E. Poll)

reading suggestions:

Part 2 [CySec students only]

week 7 -
17/11:  outline of part2  [slides] + an outline on fuzzing and Symbolic Execution [slides] [+ slides from D.Song] [+ Slides from Martin Vechev]

reading suggestions:
week 8 -
24/11:  Lab session on Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution ( with AFL and with PathCrawler)

  reading suggestions
week 9 -
01/12:  Static Analysis ([slides] + [Dillig's slides]) and  work/discussion on oral presentations
reading suggestions
week 10 -
08/12:  Lab session with Frama-C -- The subject and source files are available on Chamillo.
reading suggestions
week 11 -
15/12: Exercises on code analysis techniques (corrections will be available on Chamillo)

vacations from 19/12 to 04/01

week 12 & 13 -

reading suggestions
    •  A talk from C. Collberg at EuroCrypt  2016       
    • The Tigress tool