Authors Cuihtlauac Alvarado Jean-François Monin Contributors See THANKS file Up to date version : see Hendrik Tews page, who kindly took the responsability of maintaining this software. -------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT WARNING : compile otags-x.yz with ocaml-x.yz -------------------------------------------------------------------- Otags can be used to build TAGS tables for emacs and vi, like etags does, but for Ocaml code source files. It is based on camlp4 parsers of caml, which makes it more accurate than versions based on regexps : otags finds references to constructors of sum types, fields of records, etc. Usage : To build TAGS for a set of files: otags ... To build TAGS for all .ml files in a directory: otags dir To build TAGS recusively: otags -r dir Theses syntaxes can be mixed, see otags -help for list of options available. When searching directories, processed files are those matching the "suffix list", which is set by default to: [".mli";".ml"]. This list can be edited using the options -sc, -sa and -sr which, respectively clears, add entries and removes entries in this list. Addtional parser can be trown to Camlp4 using the -pa option Otags X.Y version number match Ocaml version number. See HISTORY for old versions / Ocaml matching. =========================================================================== Supposed syntax for TAGS (.tags) files, as analysed from output of etags, read in etags.c and discussed with Francesco Potorti. ::= + ::=
::= , ::= * ::= , ::= ascii NP, (emacs ^L) ::= ascii DEL, (emacs ^?) ::= ascii SOH, (emacs ^A) :: ascii CR =========================================================================== Wish list: - tagging qualified names (e.g. Yetanothertbl.create) - handling .ml4 files of Coq sources