Require Export Nat. Require Export List. Export ListNotations. (* Deep embedding of untyped pure lambda-calculus The goal is to teach lambda-calculus and experiment with several reduction strategies and functions (extracting bound or free variables, redexes, checking (strong, weak, head) normal forms, etc. The implementation is not complete nor strictly correct *) (* To alleviate the notations we use a fixed number of variables defined as constructors *) Inductive letter : Set := | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | a1 | b1 | c1 | d1 | e1 | f1 | g1 | h1 | i1 | j1 | k1 | l1 | m1 | n1 | o1 | p1 | q1 | r1 | s1 | t1 | u1 | v1 | w1 | x1 | y1 | z1 . Definition nat_of_letter x := match x with | a => 0 | b => 1 | c => 2 | d => 3 | e => 4 | f => 5 | g => 6 | h => 7 | i => 8 | j => 9 | k => 10 | l => 11 | m => 12 | n => 13 | o => 14 | p => 15 | q => 16 | r => 17 | s => 18 | t => 19 | u => 20 | v => 21 | w => 22 | x => 23 | y => 24 | z => 25 | a1 => 26 | b1 => 27 | c1 => 28 | d1 => 29 | e1 => 30 | f1 => 31 | g1 => 32 | h1 => 33 | i1 => 34 | j1 => 35 | k1 => 36 | l1 => 37 | m1 => 38 | n1 => 39 | o1 => 40 | p1 => 41 | q1 => 42 | r1 => 43 | s1 => 44 | t1 => 45 | u1 => 46 | v1 => 47 | w1 => 48 | x1 => 49 | y1 => 50 | z1 => 51 end. Definition letter_of_nat nn := match nn with | 0 => a | 1 => b | 2 => c | 3 => d | 4 => e | 5 => f | 6 => g | 7 => h | 8 => i | 9 => j | 10 => k | 11 => l | 12 => m | 13 => n | 14 => o | 15 => p | 16 => q | 17 => r | 18 => s | 19 => t | 20 => u | 21 => v | 22 => w | 23 => x | 24 => y | 25 => z | 26 => a1 | 27 => b1 | 28 => c1 | 29 => d1 | 30 => e1 | 31 => f1 | 32 => g1 | 33 => h1 | 34 => i1 | 35 => j1 | 36 => k1 | 37 => l1 | 38 => m1 | 39 => n1 | 40 => o1 | 41 => p1 | 42 => q1 | 43 => r1 | 44 => s1 | 45 => t1 | 46 => u1 | 47 => v1 | 48 => w1 | 49 => x1 | 50 => y1 | 51 => z1 | _ => a (* fake *) end. Definition first_letter := a. Definition card_letter := 52. (* *) Inductive Name : Set := | Lett : letter -> Name | Prime : Name -> Name . Coercion Lett: letter >-> Name. Notation "X °" := (Prime X) (at level 1, format "X °"). Fixpoint nat_of_Name nn := match nn with | Lett xx => nat_of_letter xx | Prime nn => card_letter + nat_of_Name nn end. Definition eqb_Name ax ay : bool := eqb (nat_of_Name ax) (nat_of_Name ay). (* Fresh names *) Definition rot_nat n := if eqb (S n) card_letter then O else S n. Definition rot_letter x := letter_of_nat (rot_nat (nat_of_letter x)). Fixpoint next_name nn := match nn with | Lett xx => let rn := rot_nat (nat_of_letter xx) in match rn with | O => Prime first_letter | _ => Lett (letter_of_nat rn) end | Prime nn => Prime (next_name nn) end. Fixpoint gen_names {A: Type} (ll : list A) n : list Name := match ll with | [] => [n] | _ :: ll => n :: gen_names ll (next_name n) end. (* Remove all ax in ll, returns None if ax not in ll *) Fixpoint mayrem (ax:Name) (ll:list Name) : option (list Name) := match ll with | [] => None | ax1 :: lls => match mayrem ax lls with | None => if eqb_Name ax ax1 then Some lls else None | Some lls' => if eqb_Name ax ax1 then Some lls' else Some (ax1 :: lls') end end. (* remove a name in a list of names *) (* lavoid <= lstruct in some sense (size, or injection) result not in lavoid *) Fixpoint fresh_1 (cand:Name) (lavoid lstruct: list Name) : Name := match lstruct with | [] => cand | _ :: lstruct' => match mayrem cand lavoid with | None => cand | Some lavoid' => fresh_1 (next_name cand) lavoid' lstruct' end end. Definition fresh (avoid:list Name) : Name := fresh_1 first_letter avoid avoid. (* ------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Syntax of lambda expressions *) Inductive lexp : Type := | Var : Name -> lexp | Lam : Name -> lexp -> lexp | App : lexp -> lexp -> lexp. (* Notations \x y.x y is written \x y:x y *) Notation "\ x .. y ~ M" := (Lam x .. (Lam y M) ..) (at level 30, x at level 0, y at level 0, right associativity). Notation "\ x .. y · M" := (Lam x .. (Lam y M) ..) (at level 30, x at level 0, y at level 0, right associativity). Notation "'λ' x .. y · M" := (Lam x .. (Lam y M) ..) (at level 30, x at level 0, y at level 0, right associativity). Coercion Var: Name >-> lexp. Coercion App: lexp >-> Funclass. (* Lemma Name_eq_dec : forall ax ay:Name, {ax = ay} + {ax <> ay}. Proof. intros. destruct ax; destruct ay; try (right; easy); left; easy. Qed. Definition eqb_Name ax ay : bool := match Name_eq_dec ax ay with | left _ => true | right _ => false end. *) (* member function in list of names *) Fixpoint mem (ax:Name) (xx:list Name) : bool := match xx with | [] => false | ax1 :: xxs => if eqb_Name ax ax1 then true else mem ax xxs end. (* remove a name in a list of names *) Fixpoint rem (ax:Name) (xx:list Name) : list Name := match xx with | [] => [] | ax1 :: xx1 => if eqb_Name ax ax1 then rem ax xx1 else ax1 :: rem ax xx1 end. (* remove duplicates in a list of names *) Fixpoint make_set xx : list Name := match xx with | [] => [] | ax :: xx1 => if mem ax xx1 then make_set xx1 else ax :: (make_set xx1) end. (* intersection of two list of names *) Fixpoint inter_1 xx yx : list Name := match xx with | [] => [] | ax :: xx1 => if mem ax yx then ax :: inter_1 xx1 yx else inter_1 xx1 yx end. Definition inter xx yx : list Name := inter_1 (make_set xx) yx. (* returns all names used in a lexp *) Fixpoint allvars ex : list Name := match ex with | Var nx => [nx] | Lam nx ex => nx :: (allvars ex) | App ex1 ex2 => allvars ex1 ++ allvars ex2 end. Definition vars ex := make_set (allvars ex). (* returns all variables with a free occurrence in a lexp *) Fixpoint freevars ex : list Name := match ex with | Var nx => [nx] | Lam nx ex => rem nx (freevars ex) | App ex1 ex2 => freevars ex1 ++ freevars ex2 end. Definition vlibres ex := make_set (freevars ex). (* returns all variables with a bound occurrence in a lexp *) Fixpoint boundvars ex : list Name := match ex with | Var nx => [] | Lam nx ex => if mem nx (freevars ex) then nx :: (boundvars ex) else boundvars ex | App ex1 ex2 => boundvars ex1 ++ boundvars ex2 end. Definition vliees ex := make_set (boundvars ex). Fixpoint declaredvars ex : list Name := match ex with | Var nx => [] | Lam nx ex => nx :: (declaredvars ex) | App ex1 ex2 => declaredvars ex1 ++ declaredvars ex2 end. Definition vdef ex := make_set (declaredvars ex). (** Replace all free occurrences of [Var ny] by [Var nz] in [ex]. Used with the hypothesis that [nz] does not occur in [ex]. *) Fixpoint rename ny nz ex: lexp := match ex with | Var nx => if eqb_Name nx ny then Var nz else ex | Lam nx ex1 => if eqb_Name nx ny then ex else Lam nx (rename ny nz ex1) | App ex1 ex2 => App (rename ny nz ex1) (rename ny nz ex2) end. (** Change all bound occurrences of [Var ny] by [Var nz] in [ex]. Used with the hypothesis that [nz] does not occur in [ex]. *) Fixpoint alpha ny nz ex: lexp := match ex with | Var nx => Var nx | Lam nx ex1 => let ex2 := alpha ny nz ex1 in if eqb_Name nx ny then Lam nz (rename nx nz ex2) else Lam nx ex2 | App ex1 ex2 => App (alpha ny nz ex1) (alpha ny nz ex2) end. (* Renaming of all bound variable of a lexp which also occur in fv *) (* (* Old buggy version which repeats the computation of the same fresh name *) Fixpoint renaming fv all ex := match fv with | [] => ex | fx :: fvs => renaming fvs all (alpha fx (fresh all) ex) end. *) Fixpoint renaming fv avoid ex := match fv with | [] => ex | fx :: fvs => let freshname := fresh avoid in renaming fvs (freshname :: avoid) (alpha fx freshname ex) end. (* straightforward substitution ex1[z:=ex2] *) Fixpoint subst_1 nz ex2 ex1: lexp := match ex1 with | Var nx => if eqb_Name nx nz then ex2 else ex1 | Lam nx ex => if eqb_Name nx nz then ex1 else Lam nx (subst_1 nz ex2 ex) | App ex11 ex12 => App (subst_1 nz ex2 ex11) (subst_1 nz ex2 ex12) end. (* substitution ex1[nx:=ex2] avoiding capture using prior renaming *) Definition subst nx ex2 ex1 : lexp := let vx := inter (vdef ex1) (vlibres ex2) in let avoid := allvars ex1 in subst_1 nx ex2 (renaming vx avoid ex1). (* Return the list of redexes of an expression *) (* JF : il faut en plus les repérer par leur lieu d'occurrence *) Fixpoint redexes ex : list lexp := match ex with | Var nx => [] | App (Lam nx tx) rx => (App (Lam nx tx) rx) :: (redexes tx ++ redexes rx) | App lx rx => redexes lx ++ redexes rx | Lam nx tx => redexes tx end. (* Occurrences *) Inductive occ : Set := | Ici | UL : occ -> occ (* sous Lam *) | LA : occ -> occ (* Gauche App *) | RA : occ -> occ (* Droite App *) . (* *) Fixpoint no_UL oc : bool := match oc with | Ici => true | UL _ => false | LA oc => no_UL oc | RA oc => no_UL oc end. (* *) (* Something at an occurrence *) Definition smtg_occ chk oc ex : Prop := (fix aux oc ex : Prop := match oc, ex with | Ici, _ => chk ex | UL oc, Lam _ tx => aux oc tx | LA oc, App lx rx => aux oc lx | RA oc, App lx rx => aux oc rx | _, _ => False end) oc ex. Definition anyterm (ex : lexp) := True. (* redex at root *) Definition rar (ex : lexp) := match ex with | App (λ _ · _) _ => True | _ => False end. (* free var at root *) Definition fvr (nx: Name) (ex : lexp) := match ex with | Var ny => if eqb_Name nx ny then True else False | _ => False end. Definition has_occ := smtg_occ anyterm. Definition has_red := smtg_occ rar. Lemma has_occ_UL_LA {ex oc1 oc2} : has_occ (UL oc1) ex -> has_occ (LA oc2) ex -> False. Proof. destruct ex; intros; assumption. Qed. Lemma has_occ_UL_RA {ex oc1 oc2} : has_occ (UL oc1) ex -> has_occ (RA oc2) ex -> False. Proof. destruct ex; intros; assumption. Qed. Fixpoint subterm_at ex oc : has_occ oc ex -> lexp := match oc, ex return has_occ oc ex -> lexp with | Ici, _ => fun oec => ex | UL oc, Lam _ tx => fun oec => subterm_at tx oc oec | LA oc, App lx rx => fun oec => subterm_at lx oc oec | RA oc, App lx rx => fun oec => subterm_at rx oc oec | _, _ => fun oec => match oec with end end. Definition rewrite_at (chk : lexp -> Prop) (rewf: forall ex, chk ex -> lexp) ex oc (oec : smtg_occ chk oc ex) : lexp := (fix rew_at ex oc : smtg_occ chk oc ex -> lexp := match oc, ex return smtg_occ chk oc ex -> lexp with | Ici, _ => fun oec => rewf ex oec | UL oc, Lam vx tx => fun oec => Lam vx (rew_at tx oc oec) | LA oc, App lx rx => fun oec => App (rew_at lx oc oec) rx | RA oc, App lx rx => fun oec => App lx (rew_at rx oc oec) | _, _ => fun oec => match oec with end end) ex oc oec. (* Definition rewrite_at (rewf: lexp -> lexp) ex oc (oec : has_occ oc ex) : lexp := (fix rew_at ex oc : has_occ oc ex -> lexp := match oc, ex return has_occ oc ex -> lexp with | Ici, _ => fun oec => rewf ex | UL oc, Lam vx tx => fun oec => Lam vx (rew_at tx oc oec) | LA oc, App lx rx => fun oec => App (rew_at lx oc oec) rx | RA oc, App lx rx => fun oec => App lx (rew_at rx oc oec) | _, _ => fun oec => match oec with end end) ex oc oec. *) (* Guarded occurences *) Inductive gocc_of (chk : lexp -> Prop) ex : Set := o_o : forall oc, smtg_occ chk oc ex -> gocc_of chk ex. Definition occ_of := gocc_of anyterm. Definition rocc_of := gocc_of rar. Definition lift_test (f: occ -> bool) chk ex (go : gocc_of chk ex) : bool := let (oc, _) := go in f oc. (* *) Lemma smtg_occ_impl (chk1 chk2 : lexp -> Prop) : (forall ex, chk1 ex -> chk2 ex) -> forall oc ex, smtg_occ chk1 oc ex -> smtg_occ chk2 oc ex. Proof. intro chch. refine (fix aux oc ex : _ := match oc, ex with | Ici, _ => chch ex | UL oc, Lam _ tx => aux oc tx | LA oc, App lx rx => aux oc lx | RA oc, App lx rx => aux oc rx | _, _ => fun F => F end); simpl. Defined. Lemma gocc_impl (chk1 chk2 : lexp -> Prop) : (forall ex, chk1 ex -> chk2 ex) -> forall ex, gocc_of chk1 ex -> gocc_of chk2 ex. Proof. intros chch ex [oc Hoc]. exists oc. apply (smtg_occ_impl _ _ chch _ _ Hoc). Defined. Lemma rocc_occ {ex} : rocc_of ex -> occ_of ex. Proof. apply (gocc_impl rar anyterm). clear ex. intros ex _. exact I. Defined. (* Term at a guarded occurence *) Definition subterm_at_g ex (oe : occ_of ex) : lexp := let (oc, oec) := oe in subterm_at ex oc oec. Definition subterm_at_gr ex (oe : rocc_of ex) : lexp := subterm_at_g ex (rocc_occ oe). Definition rewrite_at_g chk rewf ex (oe : gocc_of chk ex) : lexp := let (oc, oec) := oe in rewrite_at chk rewf ex oc oec. Definition root_subst ex : rar ex -> lexp := match ex with | App (λ nx · body) actualp => fun _ => subst nx actualp body | _ => fun F => match F with end end. (* Applies a substitution at a (guaranteed) occurrence of a redex *) Definition beta_at : forall ex, rocc_of ex -> lexp := rewrite_at_g rar root_subst. (* *) Definition lift1 (f: occ -> occ) (g: lexp -> lexp) : (forall oc ex, has_red oc ex -> has_red (f oc) (g ex)) -> (forall ex, rocc_of ex -> rocc_of (g ex)). intros transf ex [oc eoc]. exists (f oc). apply (transf oc ex eoc). Defined. Definition same_eoc oc ex (eoc : has_red oc ex) := eoc. Definition lift1_UL nx := lift1 UL (fun ex => λ nx· ex) same_eoc : forall ex, rocc_of ex -> rocc_of (λ nx· ex). Definition lift1_LA rx := lift1 LA (fun lx => App lx rx) same_eoc : forall lx, rocc_of lx -> rocc_of (App lx rx). Definition lift1_RA lx := lift1 RA (fun rx => App lx rx) same_eoc : forall rx, rocc_of rx -> rocc_of (App lx rx). Fixpoint occredexes_of ex : list (rocc_of ex) := match ex with | Var nx => [] | Lam nx tx => map (lift1_UL nx tx) (occredexes_of tx) | App lx rx => let orl := map (lift1_LA rx lx) (occredexes_of lx) in let orr := map (lift1_RA lx rx) (occredexes_of rx) in match lx return list (rocc_of (App lx rx)) -> _ with | (\nx· tx) => cons (o_o rar ((\nx· tx) rx) Ici I) | _ => fun olrx => olrx end (orl ++ orr) end. (* For interactive use : pos_redexes, see_redex, red_beta *) Definition map2 {A B C} (f: B -> C) : list (A*B) -> list (A*C) := map (fun xy:A*B => let (x,y) := xy in (x, f y)). (* Numbered occurrences *) Fixpoint nbd_occ_of ex n : nat * list (nat * rocc_of ex) := match ex with | Var nx => (n, []) | Lam nx tx => let (n', l) := nbd_occ_of tx (S n) in (n', map2 (lift1_UL nx tx) l) | App lx rx => let (n1, l1) := nbd_occ_of lx n in let (n2, l2) := nbd_occ_of rx n1 in let orl := map2 (lift1_LA rx lx) l1 in let orr := map2 (lift1_RA lx rx) l2 in (n2, match lx return list (nat * rocc_of (App lx rx)) -> _ with | λ nx· tx => cons (n, o_o rar ((λ nx· tx) rx) Ici I) | _ => fun olrx => olrx end (orl ++ orr)) end. Definition nbd_occredexes_of ex : list (nat * rocc_of ex) := let (_, l ) := nbd_occ_of ex 1 in l. Definition lift_fct_nb {A} (f : occ -> A) ex (nro : nat * rocc_of ex) : A := let (_ , ro) := nro in let (oc, _) := ro in f oc. Definition lift_cmp_nb {A} (cmp : occ -> occ -> A) ex (nro1 nro2 : nat * rocc_of ex) : A := let (_ , ro1) := nro1 in let (oc1, _) := ro1 in let (_ , ro2) := nro2 in let (oc2, _) := ro2 in cmp oc1 oc2. Definition pos_redexes ex : list nat := map fst (nbd_occredexes_of ex). Definition pos_redexes_noUL ex : list nat := let nroex := nbd_occredexes_of ex in let nroex_noUL := filter (lift_fct_nb no_UL ex) nroex in map fst nroex_noUL. Definition wrg_nb : lexp := (w r o n g) (n u m b e r). Definition see_redex nn1 ex : lexp := (fix loop lno := match lno with | [] => wrg_nb | (nn2, ro) :: lno => if eqb nn1 nn2 then subterm_at_gr ex ro else loop lno end) (nbd_occredexes_of ex). Definition red_beta nn1 ex : lexp := (fix loop lno := match lno with | [] => wrg_nb | (nn2, ro) :: lno => if eqb nn1 nn2 then beta_at ex ro else loop lno end) (nbd_occredexes_of ex). (* ********************** Comparisons between redexes ********************** *) Definition morph (f: occ -> occ) (R: occ -> occ -> Prop) : Prop := forall oc1 oc2, R oc1 oc2 -> R (f oc1) (f oc2). Inductive more_outer : occ -> occ -> Prop := | mo_Ici : forall oc, more_outer Ici oc | mo_mUL : morph UL more_outer | mo_mLA : morph LA more_outer | mo_mRA : morph RA more_outer . Definition more_inner oc1 oc2 := more_outer oc2 oc1. Lemma more_outer_refl : forall oc, more_outer oc oc. Proof. induction oc as [ | ex Hex | ex Hex | ex Hex]. - apply mo_Ici. - apply mo_mUL; apply Hex. - apply mo_mLA; apply Hex. - apply mo_mRA; apply Hex. Qed. (* transitive (then partial pre-order) *) Lemma more_outer_trans : forall oc1 oc2 oc3, more_outer oc1 oc2 -> more_outer oc2 oc3 -> more_outer oc1 oc3. Proof. intros * lo12. revert oc3. induction lo12 as [oc | oc1 oc2 lo12 Hlo12 | oc1 oc2 lo12 Hlo12 | oc1 oc2 lo12 Hlo12]; intros oc3 lo13. - inversion lo13; clear lo13; subst; apply mo_Ici. - inversion lo13; clear lo13; subst. apply mo_mUL. apply Hlo12; assumption. - inversion lo13; clear lo13; subst. apply mo_mLA. apply Hlo12; assumption. - inversion lo13; clear lo13; subst. apply mo_mRA. apply Hlo12; assumption. Qed. (* transitive (then partial pre-order) on occurrences of a given lexp *) Lemma more_outer_trans_complicated : forall oc1 oc2 oc3 ex, has_occ oc1 ex -> has_occ oc2 ex -> has_occ oc3 ex -> more_outer oc1 oc2 -> more_outer oc2 oc3 -> more_outer oc1 oc3. Proof. intros * ho1 ho2 ho3 lo12. revert oc3 ex ho1 ho2 ho3. induction lo12 as [oc | oc1 oc2 lo12 Hlo12 | oc1 oc2 lo12 Hlo12 | oc1 oc2 lo12 Hlo12]; intros oc3 ex ho1 ho2 ho3 lo13. - inversion lo13; clear lo13; subst; apply mo_Ici. - inversion lo13; clear lo13; subst. apply mo_mUL. destruct ex as [ |nx ex | ]; try (case ho1). apply Hlo12 with (ex:=ex); assumption. - inversion lo13; clear lo13; subst. apply mo_mLA. destruct ex as [ |nx ex | ]; try (case ho1). apply Hlo12 with (ex:=ex1); assumption. - inversion lo13; clear lo13; subst. apply mo_mRA. destruct ex as [ |nx ex | ]; try (case ho1). apply Hlo12 with (ex:=ex2); assumption. Qed. (* Ad-hoc mais a l'air de marcher. Laissé pour le test mais À VIRER + tard *) Fixpoint mlob oc1 oc2 : bool := match oc1, oc2 with | Ici, LA (UL _) => true | LA _, Ici => true | LA _, RA _ => true | Ici, RA _ => true | Ici, UL _ => true | UL oc1, UL oc2 => mlob oc1 oc2 | LA oc1, LA oc2 => mlob oc1 oc2 | RA oc1, RA oc2 => mlob oc1 oc2 | _, _ => false end. (* For partial ordering *) Inductive pcomp : Set := Pe | Pl | Pg | Pn (* not comparable *). (* outermost - innermost *) Fixpoint oi oc1 oc2 : pcomp := match oc1, oc2 with | Ici, Ici => Pe | Ici, _ => Pl | _, Ici => Pg | UL oc1, UL oc2 => oi oc1 oc2 | LA oc1, LA oc2 => oi oc1 oc2 | RA oc1, RA oc2 => oi oc1 oc2 | _, _ => Pn end. (* leftmost - rightmost *) Fixpoint lr oc1 oc2 : comparison := match oc1, oc2 with | Ici, Ici => Eq | Ici, UL _ => Lt | UL _, Ici => Gt | UL oc1, UL oc2 => lr oc1 oc2 | LA oc1, LA oc2 => lr oc1 oc2 | RA oc1, RA oc2 => lr oc1 oc2 | LA _, _ => Lt | _, LA _ => Gt | RA _, _ => Gt | _, RA _ => Lt end. (* Pour l'honneur : sans discrminate *) Lemma oi_eq : forall oc1 oc2, oi oc1 oc2 = Pe -> oc1 = oc2. Proof. pose (discr (oc1 oc2 : occ) x := match x with Pe => oc2 | _ => oc1 end). exact ( fix loop oc1 oc2 : _ := match oc1, oc2 with | Ici, Ici => fun e => eq_refl | UL oc1, UL oc2 => fun e => f_equal UL (loop oc1 oc2 e) | LA oc1, LA oc2 => fun e => f_equal LA (loop oc1 oc2 e) | RA oc1, RA oc2 => fun e => f_equal RA (loop oc1 oc2 e) | oc1, oc2 => fun e => f_equal (discr oc1 oc2) e end). Qed. (* leftmore outermore (strict) *) Definition strict_le_ou oc1 oc2 : bool := match oi oc1 oc2 with | Pe => false | Pl => true | Pg => false | Pn => match lr oc1 oc2 with | Eq => false | Lt => true | Gt => false end end. (* OK for the next : problematic cases are meaningless for occurrences of redexes in an actual lexp *) Lemma mlob_sameas_strict_le_ou : forall oc1 oc2 ex, has_red oc1 ex -> has_red oc2 ex -> mlob oc1 oc2 = strict_le_ou oc1 oc2. Proof. Abort. (* le_ou yields a total order ; anyway only different occurrences will be compared *) (* (* Direct version with an artificial excahnge of args in innermost *) Definition horizontal_obsol := occ -> occ -> bool. Definition vertical_obsol := horizontal_obsol -> occ -> occ -> bool. Definition outermost_obsol : vertical_obsol := fun k oc1 oc2 => match oi oc1 oc2 with | Pe => true | Pl => true | Pg => false | Pn => k oc1 oc2 end. Definition innermost_obsol : vertical_obsol := fun k oc1 oc2 => outermost_obsol (fun oc2 oc1 => k oc1 oc2) oc2 oc1. Definition leftmost_obsol : horizontal_obsol := fun oc1 oc2 => match lr oc1 oc2 with | Eq => true | Lt => true | Gt => false end. Definition rightmost_obsol : horizontal_obsol := fun oc1 oc2 => leftmost_obsol oc2 oc1. Definition strategy (h: horizontal_obsol) (v: vertical_obsol) := v h. Definition le_ou_obsol := strategy leftmost_obsol outermost_obsol. Definition ri_ou_obsol := strategy rightmost_obsol outermost_obsol. Definition le_in_obsol := strategy leftmost_obsol innermost_obsol. Definition ri_in_obsol := strategy rightmost_obsol innermost_obsol. *) (* CPS version, with a unit -> to keep lazyness in cbv (pour l'honneur) *) Definition horizontal := occ -> occ -> ((unit -> bool) -> bool) -> bool. Definition vertical := occ -> occ -> ((unit -> bool) -> bool). Definition outermost : vertical := fun oc1 oc2 => match oi oc1 oc2 with | Pe => fun _ => true | Pl => fun _ => true | Pg => fun _ => false | Pn => fun b => b tt end. Definition leftmost : horizontal := fun oc1 oc2 => fun k => k (fun _ => (match lr oc1 oc2 with | Eq => true | Lt => true | Gt => false end)). Definition le_ou oc1 oc2 := leftmost oc1 oc2 (outermost oc1 oc2). Definition ri_ou oc1 oc2 := leftmost oc2 oc1 (outermost oc1 oc2). Definition le_in oc1 oc2 := leftmost oc1 oc2 (outermost oc2 oc1). Definition ri_in oc1 oc2 := leftmost oc2 oc1 (outermost oc2 oc1). (* (* The 2 versions are equivalent *) Lemma verif_le_ou oc1 oc2 : le_ou oc1 oc2 = le_ou_obsol oc1 oc2. Proof. unfold le_ou, le_ou_obsol. unfold strategy, outermost, outermost_obsol. destruct (oi oc1 oc2); reflexivity. Qed. Lemma verif_ri_ou oc1 oc2 : ri_ou oc1 oc2 = ri_ou_obsol oc1 oc2. Proof. unfold ri_ou, ri_ou_obsol. unfold strategy, outermost, outermost_obsol. destruct (oi oc1 oc2); reflexivity. Qed. Lemma verif_ri_in oc1 oc2 : ri_in oc1 oc2 = ri_in_obsol oc1 oc2. Proof. unfold ri_in, ri_in_obsol. unfold strategy, outermost, innermost_obsol, leftmost, outermost_obsol. destruct (oi oc2 oc1); reflexivity. Qed. Lemma verif_le_in oc1 oc2 : le_in oc1 oc2 = le_in_obsol oc1 oc2. Proof. unfold le_in, le_in_obsol. unfold strategy, outermost, innermost_obsol, leftmost, outermost_obsol. destruct (oi oc2 oc1); reflexivity. Qed. *) (* *) Definition min {A} (cmp : A -> A -> bool) x y := if cmp x y then x else y. Fixpoint minlist1 {A} (cmp : A -> A -> bool) x l : A := match l with | [] => x | x' :: l' => min cmp x (minlist1 cmp x' l') end. Definition non_empty {A} (l: list A) : Prop := match l with | [] => False | x' :: l' => True end. Definition depres {A} (l: list A) : Type := match l with | [] => list A | x' :: l' => A * list A end. Definition minlistdep {A} (cmp : A -> A -> bool) l : depres l := match l with | [] => l | x' :: l' => (minlist1 cmp x' l', l) end. Definition hdtl {A} (l: list A) : non_empty l -> A * list A := match l with | [] => fun F => match F with end | x' :: l' => fun _ => (x', l') end. Definition minlist {A} (cmp : A -> A -> bool) l : non_empty l -> A := match l with | [] => fun F => match F with end | x' :: l' => fun _ => minlist1 cmp x' l' end. (* ********************** The different types of normal forms ********************** *) (* Check if an expression is under (strong) normal form N :::= λx. N | x N1 N2 .. Nn *) Fixpoint fnorm ex : bool := match ex with | Var nx => true | App (Lam nx tx) rx => false | App lx rx => (fnorm lx) && (fnorm rx) | Lam nx tx => fnorm tx end. (* Check if an expression is under weak normal form W :::= λx. e | x W1 W2 .. Wn *) Fixpoint is_wnf ex : bool := match ex with | Var nx => true | Lam nx tx => true | App (Lam nx tx) rx => false | App lx rx => (is_wnf lx) && (is_wnf rx) end. (* Check if an expression is under head normal form H :::= λx. H | x e1 e2 .. en *) Fixpoint is_hnf ex : bool := match ex with | Var nx => true | App (Lam nx tx) rx => false | App lx rx => is_hnf lx | Lam nx tx => is_hnf tx end. (* Check if an expression is under weak head normal form WH :::= λx. e | x e1 e2 .. en *) Fixpoint is_whnf ex : bool := match ex with | Var nx => true | Lam nx tx => true | App (Lam nx tx) rx => false | App lx rx => is_whnf lx end. (* ****************** The different reduction strategies ******************* *) (* One step leftmost outermost beta-reduction *) Fixpoint red1_lo ex : option lexp := match ex with | App (Lam nx ex1) ex2 => Some (subst nx ex2 ex1) | App ex1 ex2 => match (red1_lo ex1) with | None => match (red1_lo ex2) with | None => None | Some ex2' => Some (App ex1 ex2') end | Some ex1' => Some (App ex1' ex2) end | Lam nx ex1 => match (red1_lo ex1) with | None => None | Some ex1' => Some (Lam nx ex1') end | _ => None end. (* One step weak leftmost outermost beta-reduction *) Fixpoint red1_low ex : option lexp := match ex with | App (Lam nx ex1) ex2 => Some (subst nx ex2 ex1) | App ex1 ex2 => match (red1_low ex1) with | None => None | Some ex1' => Some (App ex1' ex2) end | _ => None end. (* One step rightmost outermost beta-reduction *) Fixpoint red1_ro ex : option lexp := match ex with | App (Lam nx ex1) ex2 => match (red1_ro ex2) with | None => Some (subst nx ex2 ex1) | Some ex2' => Some (App (Lam nx ex1) ex2') end | App ex1 ex2 => match (red1_ro ex2) with | None => match (red1_ro ex1) with | None => None | Some ex1' => Some (App ex1' ex2) end | Some ex2' => Some (App ex1 ex2') end | Lam nx ex1 => match (red1_lo ex1) with | None => None | Some ex1' => Some (Lam nx ex1') end | _ => None end. (* One step weak rightmost outermost beta-reduction *) Fixpoint red1_row ex : option lexp := match ex with | App (Lam nx ex1) ex2 => match (red1_row ex2) with | None => Some (subst nx ex2 ex1) | Some ex2' => Some (App (Lam nx ex1) ex2') end | App ex1 ex2 => match (red1_row ex2) with | None => match (red1_row ex1) with | None => None | Some ex1' => Some (App ex1' ex2) end | Some ex2' => Some (App ex1 ex2') end | _ => None end. (* One reduction step by the one step reduction function rs *) Definition red1 rs ex : lexp := match rs ex with | None => ex | Some ex' => ex' end. (* Expression denoting an out of bound computation *) Definition toolong := \a b o r t·(t o o) (l o n g). (* Reduction by rs until normal form (bounded by nx steps) *) Fixpoint redn rs nx ex : lexp := match nx with | 0 => toolong | S nx => match rs ex with | None => ex | Some ex' => redn rs nx ex' end end. (* ====================================================================== *) (* Reduction sequences, represented by vide/step lists of - a lexp E - the list lr of occurrences of all redexes (number for readability) in E - the list lw of occurrences of weak redexes (number for readability) in E - a number chosen in lr (or lw), or 0 if non-significant *) Inductive llexp := | vide : llexp | step : lexp * list nat * list nat * nat -> llexp -> llexp. Notation " { x } " := (step x vide). Notation " { x '--β->' y '--β->' .. '--β->' z } " := (step x (step y .. (step z vide) ..)) (at level 200, format " '{' x '//' '--β->' y '//' '--β->' .. '//' '--β->' z '}' "). (* Building the list of reductions by rs until normal form (bounded by nx steps) *) (* Reductions sequences based on a directly programmed reduction strategy (last number is 0 -- not significant *) Definition showstep ex := step (ex, pos_redexes ex, pos_redexes_noUL ex, 0). Fixpoint shown rs nx ex := match nx with | 0 => step (toolong, [], [], 0) vide | S nx => match rs ex with | None => showstep ex vide | Some ex' => showstep ex (shown rs nx ex') end end. (* Reductions sequences based on explicit choice of a redex occurrence, strategy represented by a cmp function *) Fixpoint showncmp (weak: bool) cmp nx ex := match nx with | 0 => step (toolong, [], [], 0) vide | S nx => let nroex := nbd_occredexes_of ex in let nroex_noUL := filter (lift_fct_nb no_UL ex) nroex in let actual_nroex := if weak then nroex_noUL else nroex in match actual_nroex with | [] => step (ex, map fst nroex, [], 0) vide | nro1 :: lnro => let chosen := minlist1 (lift_cmp_nb cmp ex) nro1 lnro in let ex' := beta_at ex (snd chosen) in step (ex, map fst nroex, map fst nroex_noUL, fst chosen) (showncmp weak cmp nx ex') end end. (* The reduction strategies *) (* Strong call-by-name (normal order bounded by 5000 (or 100) reduction steps) *) Definition red1_cbn ex := red1 red1_lo ex. Definition red_cbn ex := redn red1_lo 5000 ex. Definition show_cbn_0 ex := shown red1_lo 100 ex. (* pour mémoire *) Definition show_cbn_l ex := showncmp false le_ou 100 ex. Definition show_cbn_r ex := showncmp false ri_ou 100 ex. Definition show_wcbn_l ex := showncmp true le_ou 100 ex. Definition show_wcbn_r ex := showncmp true ri_ou 100 ex. Definition show_cbn := show_cbn_l. Definition show_wcbn := show_wcbn_l. (* Strong call-by-value (bounded by 5000 (or 100) reduction steps) *) Definition show_cbv_l ex := showncmp false le_in 100 ex. Definition show_cbv_r ex := showncmp false ri_in 100 ex. Definition show_cbv := show_cbv_r. (* Weak call-by-name (normal order bounded by 5000 (or 100) reduction steps) *) Definition show_wcbv_l ex := showncmp true le_in 100 ex. Definition show_wcbv_r ex := showncmp true ri_in 100 ex. Definition show_wcbv := show_wcbv_r. (* Strong call-by-value (bounded by 5000 (or 100) reduction steps) *) Definition red1_cbv ex := red1 red1_ro ex. Definition red_cbv ex := redn red1_ro 5000 ex. Definition show_cbv_0 ex := shown red1_ro 100 ex. (* pour mémoire *) (* Weak call-by-name (normal order bounded by 5000 (or 100) reduction steps) *) Definition red1_wcbn ex := red1 red1_low ex. Definition red_wcbn ex := redn red1_low 5000 ex. Definition show_wcbn_0 ex := shown red1_low 100 ex. (* pour mémoire *) (* Weak call-by-value (bounded by 5000 (or 100) reduction steps) *) Definition red1_wcbv ex := red1 red1_row ex. Definition red_wcbv ex := redn red1_row 5000 ex. Definition show_wcbv_0 ex := shown red1_row 100 ex. (* pour mémoire *) (* Syntactic equality modulo alpha-conversion of lexps *) Fixpoint eq_lexp tx1 tx2 :bool := match tx1, tx2 with | Var nx1, Var nx2 => eqb_Name nx1 nx2 | App lx1 rx1, App lx2 rx2 => (eq_lexp lx1 lx2) && (eq_lexp rx1 rx2) | Lam nx1 tx1, Lam nx2 tx2 => if eqb_Name nx1 nx2 then eq_lexp tx1 tx2 else eq_lexp tx1 (subst nx2 (Var nx1) tx2) | _, _ => false end. (* Equivalence (modulo alpha and beta conversion) of lexps *) Definition equiv_lexp (e1 e2:lexp) := eq_lexp (red_cbn e1) (red_cbn e2). Definition equiv_lexp_P (e1 e2:lexp) := equiv_lexp e1 e2. Notation " x == y" := (equiv_lexp_P x y) (at level 10). (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (* Tests et exemples *) (* x N1 ... Nn *) Definition xN1Nn := x (\a· a) (\b· b). (* x e1 .. en *) Definition xe1en := x ((\a·a) (\b·b)). (* \x.x N1 ... Nn *) Definition lxxN1Nn := \x·x (λ a·a) (\b·b). Print lxxN1Nn. (* \x.x e1 ... en *) Definition lxxe1en := \x·x ((\a·a) (\b·b)). (* \x.e *) Definition lxe := \x·(\a·a) (\b·b). (* (\x.E)F *) Definition lxef := (\a·a)(\b·b). Definition test := lxe lxef lxe. Definition testfn := λ x y· y. Compute (vlibres xN1Nn). (* [x] *) Compute (vliees xN1Nn). (* [a; b] *) Compute (vars xN1Nn). (* [x; a; b] *) Compute (rename y a (\x·x y (\y· y x z))). (* λ x · (x a) (λ y · (y x) z) *) Compute (alpha x z1 (\x·x y (\y· y x z))). (* λ z1 · (z1 y) (λ y · (y z1) z) *) Definition tol := Lett. Compute (renaming (tol [y]) (tol [x;y;z]) (\x·x y (\y· y x z))). (* λ x · (x y) (λ a · (a x) z) *) Compute (subst x (\x·y) (x y (\y· y x z))). (* (λ x · y) y (λ a · (a (λ x · y)) z) *) Compute (pos_redexes (x ((\y·y) (\z·z)))). (* [1] *) Compute see_redex 1 (x ((\y·y) (\z·z))). (* (λ y · y) (λ z · z) *) Compute red_beta 1 (x ((\y·y) (\z·z))). (* x (λ z · z) *) Compute (pos_redexes (x (\y·y) (\z·z))). (* [] *) Definition deuxred := (\x y·x) ((\y·y) (\z·z)). Compute redexes deuxred. (* [(λ x y · x) ((λ y · y) (λ z · z)); (λ y · y) (λ z · z) *) Compute (pos_redexes deuxred). (* [1; 3] *) Compute see_redex 1 deuxred. (* (λ x y · x) ((λ y · y) (λ z · z)) *) Compute red_beta 1 deuxred. (* λ y · (λ y · y) (λ z · z) *) Compute see_redex 3 deuxred. (* (λ y · y) (λ z · z) *) Compute red_beta 3 deuxred. (* (λ x y · x) (λ z · z) *) Definition septred := (deuxred u ((\x· deuxred) (\y·y y)) v deuxred). Compute septred. (* (λ x y · x) ((λ y · y) (λ z · z)) u ((λ x · (λ x y · x) ((λ y · y) (λ z · z))) (λ y · y y)) v ((λ x y · x) ((λ y · y) (λ z · z))) *) Compute (pos_redexes septred). (* [1; 3; 5; 6; 8; 11; 13] *) Compute see_redex 1 septred. (* (λ x y · x) ((λ y · y) (λ z · z)) *) Compute red_beta 1 septred. (* (λ y · y) (λ z · z) u ((λ x · (λ x y · x) ((λ y · y) (λ z · z))) (λ y · y y)) v ((λ x y · x) ((λ y · y) (λ z · z))) *) Compute subterm_at septred (LA (LA (RA Ici))) I. Compute see_redex 5 septred. (* (λ x · (λ x y · x) ((λ y · y) (λ z · z))) (λ y · y y) *) Compute red_beta 5 septred. (* (λ x y · x) ((λ y · y) (λ z · z)) u (λ y · y y) v ((λ x y · x) ((λ y · y) (λ z · z))) *) Compute (fnorm xN1Nn). (* true *) Compute (fnorm xe1en). (* false *) Compute (fnorm lxxN1Nn). (* true *) Compute (fnorm lxxe1en). (* false *) Compute (fnorm lxe). (* false *) Compute (fnorm lxef). (* false *) Compute (is_wnf xN1Nn). (* true *) Compute (is_wnf xe1en). (* false *) Compute (is_wnf lxxN1Nn). (* true *) Compute (is_wnf lxxe1en). (* true *) Compute (is_wnf lxe). (* true *) Compute (is_wnf lxef). (* false *) Compute (is_hnf xN1Nn). (* true *) Compute (is_hnf xe1en). (* true *) Compute (is_hnf lxxN1Nn). (* true *) Compute (is_hnf lxxe1en). (* true *) Compute (is_hnf lxe). (* false *) Compute (is_hnf lxef). (* false *) Compute (is_whnf xN1Nn). (* true *) Compute (is_whnf xe1en). (* true *) Compute (is_whnf lxxN1Nn). (* true *) Compute (is_whnf lxxe1en). (* true *) Compute (is_whnf lxe). (* true *) Compute (is_whnf lxef). (* false *) Compute (red1_cbn test). (* (λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) *) Compute (red_cbn test). (* λ x b · b *) Compute (show_cbn test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 0) --β-> ((λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 4], [1], 0) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 3], [1], 0) --β-> (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b), [2], [], 0) --β-> (λ x b · b, [], [], 0)} *) Compute (show_cbn_l test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 1) --β-> ((λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 4], [1], 1) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 3], [1], 1) --β-> (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b), [2], [], 2) --β-> (λ x b · b, [], [], 0)} *) Compute (show_cbn_r test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 7) --β-> ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x b · b), [1; 2; 4], [1; 4], 1) --β-> ((λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x b · b), [1], [1], 1) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x b · b), [1], [1], 1) --β-> (λ x b · b, [], [], 0)} *) Compute (show_wcbn_r test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 1) --β-> ((λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 4], [1], 1) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 3], [1], 1) --β-> (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b), [2], [], 0)} *) Compute (red1_cbv test). (* (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x b · b) *) Compute (red_cbv test). (* λ x b · b *) Compute (show_cbv test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 0) --β-> ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x b · b), [1; 2; 4], [1; 4], 0) --β-> ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ b · b) (λ x b · b), [1; 2], [1], 0) --β-> ((λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x b · b), [1], [1], 0) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x b · b), [1], [1], 0) --β-> (λ x b · b, [], [], 0)} *) Compute (show_cbv_r test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 7) --β-> ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x b · b), [1; 2; 4], [1; 4], 4) --β-> ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ b · b) (λ x b · b), [1; 2], [1], 2) --β-> ((λ x b · b) (λ b · b) (λ x b · b), [1], [1], 1) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x b · b), [1], [1], 1) --β-> (λ x b · b, [], [], 0)} *) Compute (show_cbv_l test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 2) --β-> ((λ x b · b) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 3; 6], [1; 3], 3) --β-> ((λ x b · b) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 5], [1], 1) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 3], [1], 3) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x b · b), [1], [1], 1) --β-> (λ x b · b, [], [], 0)} *) Compute (red1_wcbn test). (* (λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) *) Compute (red_wcbn test). (* λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b) *) Compute (show_wcbn test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 0) --β-> ((λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 4], [1], 0) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 3], [1], 0) --β-> (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b), [2], [], 0)} *) Compute (show_wcbn_l test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 1) --β-> ((λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 4], [1], 1) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 3], [1], 1) --β-> (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b), [], [], 0)} *) Compute (red1_wcbv test). (* (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) *) Compute (red_wcbv test). (* λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b) *) Compute (show_wcbv test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 0) --β-> ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 6], [1], 0) --β-> ((λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 4], [1], 0) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 3], [1], 0) --β-> (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b), [2], [], 0)} *) Compute (show_wcbv_r test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 4) --β-> ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 6], [1], 1) --β-> ((λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 4], [1], 1) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 3], [1], 1) --β-> (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b), [2], [], 0)} *) Compute (show_wcbv_l test). (* = { ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) ((λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 4; 7], [1; 4], 4) --β-> ((λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 2; 6], [1], 1) --β-> ((λ a · a) (λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 4], [1], 1) --β-> ((λ b · b) (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b)), [1; 3], [1], 1) --β-> (λ x · (λ a · a) (λ b · b), [2], [], 0)} *) Compute (equiv_lexp test testfn). (* true *) Eval compute in (test == testfn). (* true *) *)