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L. Byrd.
Understanding the control flow of Prolog programs.
In S.-A. Tärnlund, editor, Logic Programming Workshop, Debrecen, Hungary, 1980.

M. Ducassé.
Abstract views of Prolog executions with Opium.
In P. Brna, B. du Boulay, and H. Pain, editors, Learning to Build and Comprehend Complex Information Structures: Prolog as a Case Study, Cognitive Science and Technology. Ablex, 1999.

M. Ducassé.
Coca: An automated debugger for C.
In IEEE Press, editor, Proceedings of the 21st Int. Conf. on Software Engineering, May 1999.

M. Ducassé.
Opium: An extendable trace analyser for Prolog.
The Journal of Logic programming, 1999.
Special issue on Synthesis, Transformation and Analysis of Logic Programs, A. Bossi and Y. Deville (eds), Also Rapport Technique INRIA 3257.

F. Henderson, T. Conway, Z. Somogyi, D. Jeffery, and P. Ross.
The Mercury Language Reference Manual.
University of Melbourne, January 1999.
Available at "".

F. Henderson, T. Conway, Z. Somogyi, D. Jeffery, P. Schachte, S. Taylor, and C. Speirs.
The Mercury User's Guide.
University of Melbourne, January 1999.
Available at "".

F. Henderson, Z. Somogyi, and T. Conway.
Determinisism analysis in the Mercury compiler.
In Proceedings of the Australian Computeur Science Conference, pages 337-346, Department of Computeur Science, University of Melbourne Parkville, 3052 Victoria, Australia, January 1996.

Z. Somogyi, F. Henderson, and T. Conway.
The execution algorithm of Mercury, an efficient purely declarative logic programming language.
Journal of logic programming, 29:17-64, October-December 1996.