Install Tamarin, three options: 1. Use the Docker Container Image provided at: 2. Install the latest version of Tamarin from the official website: Installation instructions for Linux (various distributions) and MacOS can be found in the manual: 3. Use a VirtualBox VM at the link provided from this course website. Username: tutorial Password: PASSWORD ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then open your browser at address: A first example to consider is the 'tutorial example' available from this course website. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tamarin non-interactive mode: tamarin-prover YourExample.spthy Tamarin interactive mode: tamarin-prover interactive YourExample.spthy or, if you use the provided docker image: docker run --pull=always YourExample.spthy Tamarin interactive mode that allows to generate (when it is possible) automatically the "sources lemma": tamarin-prover interactive --auto-sources YourExample.spthy or, if you use the provided docker image: docker run --pull=always --auto-sources / Tamarin "equivalence" mode: tamarin-prover interactive --diff YourExample.spthy or, if you use the provided docker image: docker run --pull=always -diff /