
Nicolas Basset


I am an assistant professor (maître de conférence) at University Grenoble Alpes. I do my research in the team TEMPO at VERIMAG and my teaching at UFR IM2AG.

Events to come

MT-CPS 2021, I am co-chairing with Nikos Arechiga the 6th workshop on MONITORING AND TESTING OF CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS that will held on the 18th of May 2021 during the CPS-IoT Week 2021.

Ongoing and past events

Research activities

Some ongoing research works

Some former (yet still ongoing) research works


A list of my publications is available here.


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I am mainly teaching practicals of Networks at University Grenoble Alpes in


I am married with Eve Basset and I have 6 children: Sonia and Gaël (born in 2011), Délia (born in 2014), Julien (born in 2016), Yann (born in 2019) and Alexandre (born in 2022).