title = { A case study in {UML} model-based validation: The {Ariane-5} launcher },
author = {Ober, Iulian and Graf, Susanne and Lesens, David},
year = {2006},
booktitle = {Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, 8th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FMOODS 2006},
series = {LNCS},
volume = {4037},
team = {DCS},
abstract = {We present the modeling and validation experiments performed with the IFx validation toolset and with the UML profile developed within the IST Omega project, on a representative space vehicle control system: a model of the Ariane-5 flight software obtained by reverse engineering. The goal of the study is to verify functional and scheduling-related requirements under different task architecture assumptions.},