The domain of Real-Time Embedded (RTE) systems was ackowledged
as being largely influencial on many feature additions to the upcoming
UML2.0 standard. Work on UML1.4 Scheduling,
Performance \& Time(SPT) profile also goes in that direction. Still,
the generic paradigms underlying these modeling efforts is that of
software components, running on a real-time OSs with
physical time constraints and middleware (e.g., RT-Corba)
concerns. In other areas of Embedded System Design other paradigms are
at work, owing to codesign techniques at the border between software
and hardware, or discrete time mathematical engineering
(MATLAB/Simulink) and DSP algorithms, etc. The paradigm of
Synchronous Reactive (S/R) systems, with discrete
\underline{logical} time and behavior decomposition into instantaneous
reactions, proved quite natural in such areas to model mixed HW/SW
System-Level Design (SLD).
We describe here some of the modeling
paradigms needed for a true S/R model framework, and corresponding
diagrammatic interpretations.
We also present our new objectives: a better integration of synchronous
control (SyncCharts) and data flows (SCADE).