CAV '99

International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification

July 7-10, 1999

Trento, Italy

This conference is part of the second Federated Logic Conference (FLOC'99).

Call for Papers
[download postscript version]

CAV'99 is the eleventh in a series dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of computer-assisted formal analysis methods for software and hardware systems. The conference covers the spectrum from theoretical results to concrete applications, with an emphasis on practical verification tools and the algorithms and techniques that are needed for their implementation. The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

The topics of interest include:

Submission Information

The conference will include contributed papers, tool presentations, and invited lectures. There are two categories of submissions:

A. Regular papers

B. Tool presentations

Authors are encouraged to follow the LNCS instructions when writing their submission.

Authors are strongly encouraged to use the electronic submission procedure provided above.

People who don't have access to the net can send seven (7) hard-copies of the submission to

Every such submission should start with a title page containing the category (A or B) , the title of the paper, each author's name and affiliation, the contact author's physical and e-mail addresses, and a one- or two-paragraph abstract.

Please direct all inquiries about CAV'99 to

Important Dates

    Submission deadline (firm):

Jan. 3, 1999

    Notification of acceptance:

Feb. 23, 1999

    Proceedings version of accepted papers due:

Mar. 22, 1999

Submissions that are not received by January 3, 1998, and submissions that exceed the page limit run the risk of automatic rejection.

Chair persons

CAV'99 Program Committee

CAV Steering Committee

Tutorial Day and Invited Speakers

On July 6, one day will be devoted to invited tutorials, on the following topics:

On the other hand, several invited talks will be given during the conference. Here is the provisional list of speakers and topics: