The final program is under construction. This is a draft of possible program
Thursday 26th March 2009

9:00 - 9:05: Welcome
9:05 - 10:30: 1st Session

10:30 - 11:00: Break
11:00 - 12:30: 2nd Session
12:30 - 14:00: Lunch
14:00 - 17:30: Session
19:30 Lunch

Friday 27th March 2009

9:00 - 10:30 : Session

10:30 - 11:00: Break
11:00 - 12:30: 4th Session
12:00 - 13:30: Lunch
13:30 - 15:00: Session
15:00 - 15:30: Break
15:30 - 17:30: Session


Pierre Corbineau : Equality and equivalence relations in formal proofs
The talk will start with an introduction to my previous research work and an outline of my oncoming research interests, followed by a current research subject of mine: the automation of equivalence reasoning in Higher-order formal proof systems.
Equivalence relations are pervasive in formal proofs where objects have no natural canonical form, and hence where the Leibniz equality is too fine-grained. The distinction between equality and a standard equivalence relation lies in the replacement rule: replacement by equals is valid anywhere, whereas equivalent objects can only be replaced in appropriate contexts. I will give a formal definition of these relations and show how a standard equality proof technique, namely congruence-closure, can be extended to solve problems with an arbitrary number of equivalence relations.

Jan Olaf Blech: Certifying Deadlock-freedom of BIP Models -- a Case Study for the Certifcation of Safety Critical Software
Certificates can be used to encapsulate and guarantee properties of software systems. We focus on using them to guarantee the correctness of properties discovered by potentially large untrusted verification tools. These tools are hard or impossible to verify themselves. We motivate that generating certificates, which contain a proof for the correctness of a concrete analysis result of a verification tool for a given system is the easier task for guaranteeing correctness of these results. Checking certificates independently by a small trusted certificate checker (a higher-order theorem prover), lifts untrusted analysis results to the high level of trust the higher-order theorem prover ensures. In this talk we report on our work on extending the D-Finder tool for detecting deadlocks in BIP models with a certificate generation and checking infrastructure using the Coq theorem prover. In addition to this case study, we present our work towards a general methodology for the usage of certificates in software analysis and development and discuss potential benefits.

Matthieu Gallien : Toward a More Dependable Software Architecture for Autonomous Robots
I will present the existing work done in the LAAS laboratory about software architecture for autonomous robots. There has been more than 15 years of research in this field. This approach has been mostly focused on getting the robots to do what they have to. For example, good algorithms for autonomous navigation has been developed and integrated on several robots. There has been tools and methodology created for ease of integration of algorithm into the software architecture of the robot. There has been success, however there is no way to verify or validate this architecture. We have proposed a combined approach that builds on the existing architecture and method and uses BIP to build models of the softwares, validate and generate code to be executed on the robot. This has been tested and integrated on one robot and tested at LAAS. We have shown that it is possible to have a formal model of the software, to validate and verify it and to generate code that works.

NGUYEN Tranh-Hung D-Finder: A Tool for Compositional Deadlock Detection and Verification
Abstract: D-Finder is a tool that supports the verification of invariance properties and deadlock detection. It implements a compositional method for the verification of component-based system described in BIP language encompassing multi-party interaction. The method is based on the use of two kinds of invariants. Component invariants which are over-approximations of components' reachability sets. Interaction invariants which are constraints on the states of components involved in interactions. Interaction invariants are obtained by computing traps of finite-state abstractions of the verified system. The obtained experimental results for non trivial case studies show the capabilities of D-Finder as well as the efficiency of the method.

Ylies Falcone: Enforcement Monitoring wrt. the Safety-Progress Classification of Properties
Abstract : Current development techniques for information systems are often based on component software re-use. These components tend to come from third-party. Whereas this approach is desirable from a software engineering perspective and productivity, it raises up some security problems for the global application. A possible approach to solve this problem consists in monitoring each component behavior against a global security policy. Besides simple error detection, such monitors can also ensure a correct component behavior by modifying its interactions with the rest of the application. This is the so called enforcement monitoring approach of security policies. This technique is very encouraging and it has been already implemented in some applications. We have extended previous works on this topic in several directions. Firstly, we have proposed a generic notion of enforcement monitors based on a memory device and finite sets of control states and enforcement operations. Moreover, we specified their enforcement abilities wrt. the general safety-progress classification of properties. Furthermore, we have proposed a systematic technique to produce an enforcing monitor from the recognizing automaton. Finally, we have developed a prototype toolbox implementing the proposed features.

GARNIER Florent: Termination of fair execution v.s. Positive Almost sure termination of infinite state programs under probabilistic fair schedulers. Application to the verification of randomized distributed concurrent communication protocols.
In recently submitted work, we use term rewriting as a formalism to model countable state space program, possibly infinite. We define a notion of fair execution and we characterize the set of programs that only admit finite length fair executions. In this context, fairness means that if a program visits infinitely often a state or a configuration, then it will visit all this state possible successors. This notion of fairness is highly non-deterministic, and can't be used to implement a deterministic scheduler that handles choices or interleaving. We define a model of reasonable randomized fair strategy, that handles such choices, and we show that a program modeled by a term rewrite system has all its fair execution of finite length, if and only if under all reasonable fair randomized strategy, this program terminates with probability one, within a finite mean number of computation steps. We explain why such an equivalence is relevant in the sense it allows to implement finite memory --even memoryless-- schedulers that will lead a program to termination.

DAUBIGNARD Marion: Towards a proof system for computational indistinguishability
Provable security is now an important line of research in cryptography. Various security criteria have been defined to suit many kinds of cryptosystems and capture such or such aspect of their security. Most of these criteria rely on the underlying concept of indistinguishability. This accounts for our focusing on designing inference rules to prove indistinguishability of distributions. We will start by defining the framework in which the proofs are to be carried out, and will then give the main ideas about the design of our system of rules. (This is a joint work with Yassine Lakhnech and Bruce Kapron).

Lilia Sfaxi: Construction de composants surs : Le modèle CIF (Component Information Flow)
Les modèles de composants sont de plus en plus utilisés dans la construction des systèmes répartis grâce à leur modularité qui facilite le développement et l'administration de ces systèmes. Néanmoins, les concepteurs de systèmes à base de composants se contentent en général de fournir des propriétés de sécurité classiques comme l'authentification et le cryptage de la communication entre composants ; d'autres aspects avancés de la sécurité sont ignorés telle que la propriété de non interférence. CIF (Component Information Flow) a pour objectif de garantir la propriété de non interférence à une plus grande granularité, celle des composants. Ceci est réalisé en fournissant les outils de configuration des paramètres de sécurité des composants, un compilateur vérifiant la propriété de non interférence ou complétant, quand c'est possible, cette configuration si elle est inachevée. Quand la configuration est validée, CIF génère automatiquement les composants et les liaisons assurant les propriétés de sécurité définies à la configuration.

Matthieu Gallien: Data Flow Embedded Systems: DOL to BIP Translation
DOL (Distributed Operation Layer) is a framework for developing data flow embedded systems on multiprocessor architecture. It allows to perform system- level performance analysis and optimizing the mapping of software to hardware architecture (processors, buses and memories). We have developed a compiler to automatically translate DOL application into BIP models. We aim for building a model of the application mapped to a specific hardware architecture by transforming the BIP models we are getting in order to take into account the constraints of the hardware platform.

Eduardo Mazza Formal Methods and Software Liability
Abstract: The main objective of our work is to create a framework that include the specification of the expected behaviour on individual components as well as assumptions about their enviroment and a liability relation associating commitments with identified agents. The framework should also include techniques for the analysis of high level execution traces to establish liabilities based on the formal specification.

Polivios Pratikakis: Extending L2CA for the verification of multi-threaded programs.
Abstract: L2CA is a tool for analyzing and verifying programs that manipulate linked lists. Previously, L2CA focused on single-threaded applications. Our current work focuses on extending L2CA to multi-threaded programs with lock synchronization. I will talk about L2CA, our extension to multi-threaded programs, and focus on the problems that arise from parallelism, as well as our ideas on how to solve them.

PIETREK Artur: Use of the LLVM framework for the MSIL code generation.
This presentation covers the MSIL (Microsoft .NET Intermediate Language) code generation with the LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) framework. While paying special attention to the C language input, the generated MSIL code is intended to work correctly with the MONO .NET implementation. The presentation describes shortly the MSIL, overviews the LLVM framework and tells about current state of the MSIL code generator, including things that are already implemented, problems that need to be solved and their possible solutions.

KONECNY Filip: Software Verification Using Counter Automata
Abstract: In this talk, the aims of my thesis will be presented. The talk will focus on latest work which concerns verification of integer array programs and FLATA library, which is currently under developpement and is intended to support verification of such programs. In the approach to verification of array programs, arrays are considered to be of finite, but not a priori bounded length. To specify pre- and post-conditions, of programs, the SIL logic is used. Effects of non-looping parts of code are computed syntactically on the level of SIL. To compute the effect of a loop, the loop is translated to a counter transducer and composed with a counter automaton which corresponds to the loop precondition. The resulting automaton is then converted back into SIL. Finally, validity of user-specified postcondition can be checked as an entailment in SIL.

SIMACEK Jiri: Symbolic Verification of Pointer Programs using Tree Automata
Automated formal verification is a modern and rapidly evolving approach to verifying correctness of computerized systems. There are, however, still many problems that are to be solved to allow a really successful application of formal verification methods in practice such as verification of programs manipulating dynamic linked data structures such as lists, trees, etc. We are trying to develop a new algorithm for verification of such programs based on a symbolic representation of heaps by finite tree automata. The approach uses an idea of splitting a heap into seperate parts (inspired by the separation logic). Each part of the heap is represented by a single automaton and these automata are interconnected by special nodes called cutpoints.

PROCHNOW Steffen: Modeling systems based on semi-formal graphical formalism
Modeling systems based on semi-formal graphical formalisms, such as Statecharts, has become standard practice in the design of reactive embedded devices. Using paradigms established so far often results in complex models that are difficult to comprehend and maintain. Moreover, potential errors can be very subtle and hard to locate in complex systems for the human beholder. This severely compromises the practical use of the Statechart formalism. To overcome this, a methodology to support the easy development and understanding of complex Statecharts is presented. Central to this approach is the usage of secondary notations to aid readability. For the understanding of complex Statecharts during simulation a dynamic focus-and-context view based on the semantics of Statecharts is provided. As an alternative to the standard WYSIWYG editing paradigm, which has some weaknesses for complex Statecharts, a graphical approach is presented that is rather oriented towards the underlying structure of the System Under Development, and another approach based on a textual, dialect-independent Statechart description language. We also present an approach to transform textual Esterel programs into equivalent graphical Safe State Machines---a synchronous Statechart variant. Furthermore, an approach analyzing Statecharts is focused that limits or even prevents the use of error-prone expressions. An empirical study on the usability and practicability of our Statechart editing techniques, including a Statechart layout comparison, indicates significant performance improvements in terms of editing speed and model comprehension compared to traditional modeling approaches. Furthermore, an outline of ongoing activities in the SPEEDS project is given.

ABDELLATIF Tesnim: Real-Time Implementation of BIP
An embedded system is some combination of computer hardware and software that is specifically designed for a particular kind of application device. It generally interacts with an external environment under physical constraints (deadlines, throughput, jitter, power, processor, speed... ). Industrial machines, automobiles, medical equipment, cameras, household appliances and airplanes as well as the more obvious cellular phone are among the possible hosts of an embedded system. The aim of our work is to study and develop implementation techniques, meeting given quality of service requirements. We can then implement embedded systems with respect of their physical constraints. BIP is a unique component framework for its expressiveness and adequacy for the description of heterogeneous component-based systems. We can build descriptions of our systems using BIP components to obtain faithful models. Those models can then be verified either by using model checking techniques or by application of specific structural analysis techniques to verify the requirements. Our approach is to use those verified models, mostly used for simulation, for implementation purpose. Modifications of the execution engine of BIP with features supporting real-time execution are then necessary. Indeed, the current BIP time advance is modeled with logical time using global ticks synchronisations . Although it can be interesting for modeling and simulation, nevertheless , it stays inefficient for implementation. We introduce the notion of real-time clock mapped to the platform's clock to compute the real-time constraints. Real environment events are not taken into account. Actually, the behavior of the environment is modeled for simulation, it is predectible and totally controlled by the engine. We introduce an event handler that handles those physical events. New type of ports, “envports” are also introduceed to represent the physical events in the model. The engine then maps the envports with the physical events so as to deal with the real environment and still benefit from the checks made over the model

Jacques Combaz : Real-Time Implementation of BIP : clocks and real-time constraints.
Abstract: In the current implementation of the BIP toolchain, timed data are used to model local clocks. Time advance is achieved synchronously by an implicit tick connector. Although this model can be interesting for modeling and simulating systems, it cannot be used in practice for implementation purposes. Using global tick synchronizations often leads to inefficient implementations, especially when the considered system is asynchronous. Instead of simulating time by synchronizing every timed data (i.e. local clock) with a global tick, we propose to introduce a notion real-time clock and real-time constraint in the BIP programming model. Clock synchronizations are not made explicitly by the user, but are left to the Real-Time BIP Engine. We provide mechanisms for computing real-time scheduling policies that meet the semantics of the model.